LYNGKSHAIT, Lumthari (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A cave entrance c 3.5 m wide c 4 m high (McNally 2006.02.26 undated Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) faces an unidentified direction and leads to a Krem Lyngkshait near Lumthari (compare: Krem Lynkshait, Tongseng) that consists of rifts (Arbenz, T 2006.05.21 Mss: Abstracts.xls) or of a small rift cave / pot with good size entrance (Brooks circa 2006.10.31 undated Mss amendments to McNally 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) and yielded not only an estimated meterage of 8 m (deleted) but also of 22 m. ETYMOLOGY: There are many Khasi words starting with -lyng…- but the term -lyngkshait- is not listed in SINGH, N (1906. 122) while -ka kshâit- is a waterfall, a cascade (SINGH, N 1906. 49). SITUATION: To reach the cave, McNally (undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) directs to follow path east from football pitch [without GPS position] at Lumthari [N25°22'03- to N25°22'12”: E092°32'58”: 975 to1000 m asl] for 100 m. Turn (sharp) on track down [in an unidentified direction] to cave entrance c 3.5m wide c 4 m high. POSITION: According to the recorded GPS positions, the cave entrance to Krem Lyngshait (N25°22'03.5”: E092°33'03.8” ±6.3 m WGS84, T.M. Whitaker 2006.02.26, GPS Garmin 12) lies about 200 m in a direct line east of the southern tip of Lumthari village (N25°22'03-: E092°32'58”: 975 m asl). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Instead of a cave description McNally (undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) provides what looks like a crude sketch plan without scale or north arrow. Marginal texts mention Rift to 2nd pot -4/5 m and rift to pot c7/8 m pushable in addition to descending rift / too tight [rift] / skylight / descends too tight / 8 m / 3.5 m and one pot 3 m blind. Brooks (2006 undated Mss amendments to McNally undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) interprets this with Main entrance 3.5 m wide by 4 m high enters passage [with daylight window] that gradually tapers and closes after 8 m. Some 2 m in from the entrance a cross rift is met. Right is too tight after 2 m. Left m passage crossed another passage. Left leads to second passage, ahead to blind 3 m pot & right for 2 m and corner, where another rift passage rejoins main passage. On left H/S of rift passage is rift to 7-8 m deep pot (tight) that could be pushed. TACKLE: Brooks (2006 undated Mss amendments to McNally undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait): None required for existing cave [note 1]. Ladder / rope 10 m+ to push rift pots. PROSPECTS: McNally (undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) suggests rift pot could be pushed. Brooks (2006 undated Mss) assumes good prospects for extension. m passage crossed another passage. Left leads to second passage, ahead to blind 3 m pot & right for 2 m and corner, where another rift passage rejoins main passage. On left H/S of rift passage is rift to 7-8 m deep pot (tight) that could be pushed. TACKLE: Brooks (2006 undated Mss amendments to McNally undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait): None required for existing cave [note 1]. Ladder / rope 10 m+ to push rift pots. PROSPECTS: McNally (undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) suggests rift pot could be pushed. Brooks (2006 undated Mss) assumes good prospects for extension.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2006.02.26: Ekna Sukhlain guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Terence 'Terry' M. Whitaker, Henry Penney and Desmond 'Des' McNally to Krem Lyngkshiat (McNally undated 2006.02.26 Mss: Krem Lyngkshait) and Brooks (2006 undated Mss amendments to Whitaker 2006.02.26 Mss) explains that what they did was to explore and sketch. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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