RABATEK (Cave at)

(ولسوالی خرم و سارباغ - AF)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A so-called rock-shelter (note 1) without recognised name reported COON (1957a: 230) from …a spur of the Hindu Kush. On the way over this shoulder [note 2] we … examined one small rock shelter, but discovered nothing worth excavating. SITUATION: Somewhere along the road (note 3) connecting Puli Khumri (N35°56'56”: E68°42'51”, AIMS sheet PI42-02) with Khulm (N36°41'47”: E67°41'54”, AIMS sheet PJ42-14).A so-called rock-shelter (note 1) without recognised name reported COON (1957a: 230) from …a spur of the Hindu Kush. On the way over this shoulder [note 2] we … examined one small rock shelter, but discovered nothing worth excavating. SITUATION: Somewhere along the road (note 3) connecting Puli Khumri (N35°56'56”: E68°42'51”, AIMS sheet PI42-02) with Khulm (N36°41'47”: E67°41'54”, AIMS sheet PJ42-14).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Coon, Carlton Stevens 1957.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1954.03.25: Dr. Carlton Stevens COON (1957a, 1957b) and Mrs. (i.e. Elizabeth 'Lisa' K. Ralph), Henry 'Hank' W. Coulter jr. (geologist) and Mohammed Nader Saweri Khan (inspector of the Antiquities Department of the Ministry of Education, Kabul) visited in company with a certain Shirindel (cook and driver) and and Alif Beg (bearer and driver). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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