Tham Galopin - MH0201

Length 150m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


Close to Tham Lot (MH0144). Martin Ellis - 05/06/2020


Martin Ellis - 05/06/2020

A low crawl at the entrance joins a stream passage which can be followed upstream for 150m. An upper level has some old formations and several daylight holes.


Bibliography 05/06/2020


The cave was found by Benoit Stinglhamber and Magnus Bj÷rkman on 21 December 1991 and was surveyed on the 1992 Australian expedition. Martin Ellis - 05/06/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Tham Lot - MH0144400
0.0Coffin Cave MH153 - MH0153100
0.0Coffin Cave MH190 - MH0190
2.1Sink MH0307
2.3Tham Pi Man Face - MH0151200
2.3Coffin Cave MH150 - MH0150
2.3Coffin Cave MH152 - MH0152
2.6Cave MH0234 - MH02341010
3.2Tham Srisopon - MH01401000