SYMPER 2 (Thliew U)

(Mawsynram - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 11/04/2016

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) gives access to a »Lum Symper Cave« or »Lumsymper Cave« where cavers in search of magnificent river caves were faced with a »5 m undercut with no extensions« (BROOKS & SMART 1995: 31). SITUATION: At an unidentified base of Lum Symper where »a well defined path that is partly cobbled leads to the caves« (BROOKS & SMART 1995: 31). LOCATION: In an unidentified spatial relation to the two other Lumsymper Caves or Lum Symper Caves. POSITION: At a spot without any recorded GPS reading.


Bibliography 11/04/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1994.02.08: Christopher M. Smart, Boycott, Antony 'Tony', Rob Harper and Helen Harper followed what was taken as »their taxi driver and guide, Mr. Khan« (SMART & BROOKS 1995: 15) and fully visited and estimated one length. On an other occasion, we are told that »Tony, Rob, Helen & Chris drove to Mawsynram stopping at Weiloi en route to visit and explore Lumsymper cave …« (BROOKS & SMART 1995: 20). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 11/04/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0SYMPER 1 (Thliew U)
0.0SYMPER 3 (Thliew U)
4.2AA CAVES, Mawsynram (Smart 1992)
6.0Saint Mary's Grotto
6.0Mawsynram - Jathang (Spring near)
7.4MAWSYNRAM CAVE (Kharpran Daly 1999) (aa -)
7.4MAWJYMBUIÑ, Mawsynram (Krem)
8.2DAM, Mawsynram (Krem)
8.4RIDA (Krem)