(Jaffna District - LK)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Either a shallow pothole or collapse doline (closed depression). Compare –>Periya Mandapam. ETYMOLOGY: The Tamil -sinna mandapam- translates as little shelter (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 250) or lower, minor, smaller, etc. public shelter for all pilgrims, travellers and the like. MITTER (1978: 147) calls it krasové kaverny Siberiya Mandapam pri Kerudavil (karst cave of Siberiya Mandapam near Kerudavil) and SASVARI (1978: 49-50) calls the pair Sinna és Parya Mandapan (Sinna Mandapan instead of Mandapam and Parya instead of –>Periya Mandapam). SITUATION (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 250): Not far from the village of Kankesanturai (N09°49': E080°02'), well over 400 m (note 1) or almost 800 m (note 2) in an unspecified direction from –>Periya Mandapam (note 3), and in a prominent ridge of rock near Kerudavil (note 4). POSITION: Unidentified (note 5). ACCESS: The entrance to Sinna Mandapam lies in private property and entry is discouraged (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 50). CAVE DESCRIPTION: None. CAVE POTENTIAL - fabulous tunnel: Sinna Mandapam and Periya Mandapam are well over quarter of a mile [402.3 m] apart, but until recently it was possible to pass by subterranean passages all the way from one to the other (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 250).Either a shallow pothole or collapse doline (closed depression). Compare –>Periya Mandapam. ETYMOLOGY: The Tamil -sinna mandapam- translates as little shelter (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 250) or lower, minor, smaller, etc. public shelter for all pilgrims, travellers and the like. MITTER (1978: 147) calls it krasové kaverny Siberiya Mandapam pri Kerudavil (karst cave of Siberiya Mandapam near Kerudavil) and SASVARI (1978: 49-50) calls the pair Sinna és Parya Mandapan (Sinna Mandapan instead of Mandapam and Parya instead of –>Periya Mandapam). SITUATION (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 250): Not far from the village of Kankesanturai (N09°49': E080°02'), well over 400 m (note 1) or almost 800 m (note 2) in an unspecified direction from –>Periya Mandapam (note 3), and in a prominent ridge of rock near Kerudavil (note 4). POSITION: Unidentified (note 5). ACCESS: The entrance to Sinna Mandapam lies in private property and entry is discouraged (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 50). CAVE DESCRIPTION: None. CAVE POTENTIAL - fabulous tunnel: Sinna Mandapam and Periya Mandapam are well over quarter of a mile [402.3 m] apart, but until recently it was possible to pass by subterranean passages all the way from one to the other (CEYLON TRAVELLER 1974: 248; 1983: 250).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
8.5TIDAL WELL, Navakkeeri
10.3TIDAL WELL, Puttur
15.8Keerimalai Spring
116.1MEERAN SAHIB (Cave of)