察隅县 (CN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A cave or shelter with smoke blackened entrance (BAILEY 1945: 105, 107, 111, marked on the location map) above the north-eastern (left) bank of Tsulung Chu, on the way from Dzo La (4940 m) to (the monastery) Shugden Gompa on (the lake) Ngam Tso.


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Bailey, F M 1945.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1911 June 25-26, 29-30: F. M. BAILEY (1945: 105, 111) had spend two nights in the Pugo Cave.1936: Kaulback and Hanbury Tracey (BAILEY 1945: 105). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
441.1Rje kun 'gro
1016.9Maijishan Grottoes [Wheat Stack Hill Caves] [Grottes du mont Maiji] [麦积山石窟]
1163.3Teng Long Dong52800
1180.8Xiao Dong132735
1181.6D'Or et d’Argent (Grotte) [Akl-G1]
1181.9Xiao Dong7030
1182.0Long Dong1018103
1183.2Rivière du Sol (Grotte de la ) [Akl]4210
1185.2Four (Grotte du) - Akl-G226013