AA CAVE, Kopili, 914 m
More or less »visible sink holes, caverns and solution channels in [the] Kopili, Umrong and Longlai-Longyan valleys« (DUTTA & THOMAS 1970: 1031) allow attaining the »Maximum length of such open channels [note 1] detected is 914 m (3000 ft.).« IDENTITY: The allegedly 914 m long and thus --quite suspicious-- exactly 3000 feet long »solution channel in Kopili reservoir area« (DUTTA & THOMAS 1970: 1031 photo 3) is not identified -- unless the number 914 is a mad version of 419 and thus, perhaps, the full survey length of –>AA Cave Kopili 400 m. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known cave name has been identified for what was reported as a nameless »open channel« (DUTTA & THOMAS 1970: 1031). CAVE DESCRIPTION: A certain kind of »underground mapping of … solution channels have been done. Maximum length of such open channels detected is 914 metres« (DUTTA & THOMAS (1970: 1031).
NOTE 1: DUTTA & THOMAS (1970: 1031) refer expressively to »open channels« and it remains unknowable if they meant daylight-lit "ditches in the open air" (unroofed grikes) or dark cave passages accessible even to one or the other upright walking engineering geologist employed by the Government of India.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
1.4 | Kali Mandir Gufa | ||
1.5 | Pachkilo Gufa | ||
3.1 | BOREHOLE B-17 Cave, Kopili - Umrong | ||
6.7 | BOREHOLE B-36 Cave, Umrong - Longlai | ||
6.8 | AA CAVE, Kopili, 400 m | ||
8.5 | LAR IH 1.2 (Krem) | ||
8.5 | LAR IH 1 (Krem) | ||
8.7 | LAR IH 2 (Krem) | ||
8.7 | LAR IH 1.3 (Krem) |