SHAHPUR CAVERNS (Caverns around)

Poonch (Haveli tehsil - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 22/05/2016

»Around Shahpur [note 1] are a few caverns in the Eocene limestone, which are to-day [circa 1920] the haunts of bears. An investigation of their floors might yield valuable information about Pleistocene mammals« (WADIA 1926: 289). CRAVEN, S A (1969: 31) confirms that »Wadia (1928, 1949) reports a few caverns in the Eocene lime stone around Shahpur, 6 miles NE. of Poonch.«

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 22/05/2016

NOTE 1: There are 63 different places which are all called Shahpur in Pakistan listed on (accessed 16.11.2003). One Shahpur (N33°49'30”: E074°11', AMS sheet NI43-10) lies about 10 or 15 km along the road north-east of Ponch (Poonch, Poonj, Punch, Punj N33°46': E074°06'), a town in the south-western flanks of the Pir Panjal range and in the disputed hinterland of the "Line out of Control" (later: Ceasefire Line) between Pakistan and Bharat (previous India). TERRA, H. de & HUTCHINSON, G.E. (1936: 7) refer to Son Sakesar Kahar, a lake in a region famous for its archaeological records, near the town of Naoshera [Naushera, Nawshera, Nowshera; ] in the Shahpur district (note 2) , Salt Range (N32°40': E072°35' on AMS sheet NI43-13), north-west Punjab (in Pakistan): »On this were found the ruined foundations of an ancient temple-like building whose architecture suggests its having been erected during the first half of the first millennium A.D. This site still showed a number of limestone slabs lying in step-like manner on the terrace edge as if a staircase had led from the main hall to a lake shore.«NOTE 2: Shahpur District N32°10': E072°30' (WGS84) on AMS sheet NI43-13).


Bibliography 22/05/2016
  • Craven, Stephen A 1969; Wadia, D N 1926.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
8.2BUDHA AMARNATH, Rajpura Mandi
37.5Pir Panjal Pass (Cave on)
41.0Nilanag Spring
42.8AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 34
43.4AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 33
43.5Aa (Perrin 2009) [PA 35]
53.6BEERWA, Badgam (Cave at)