Tham Yin Lee Nan Nam - MH0230

Grottocenter / carte


This cave is on the north-west flank of Doi Tham Makaeng. The old Japanese road joins the H1095 1 km south of the viewpoint at 47Q 410500 2161400, at the top of a 10 m bank beside the new road. Follow the track south for about 1 km to where there are two small dolines. The cave is at the bottom of the slightly smaller, 30 m deep, doline. Martin Ellis - 15/06/2020


Martin Ellis - 15/06/2020

This is a big, steeply descending cave that goes down over boulders at a 45¦ angle. At the start the passage is 20 m wide and 5 m high until a 10 m pitch is reached. This can be bypassed by climbing down through boulders a few metres back from the top of the pitch. Below the pitch the passage continues over breakdown to where it becomes a twisting canyon 1 m wide and 15 m high. Several short climbs and cascades need to be descended. Exploration stopped due to bad air with the passage seen to continue. The cave is estimated to be 150 m deep in an area with a depth potential of 500 m.


Martin Ellis - 15/06/2020

Dean Smart April 1993 - Grade 1 section.


Bibliography 15/06/2020
  • DUNKLEY, JOHN ROBERT (1995) "The Caves of Thailand" Speleological Research Council, Sydney ISBN 0-9589253-9-9
[Topo] Tham Yin Lee Nan Nam 12/05/2019


1993-03-30 (D. Smart, B. Fanning, O. Stephenson) cave was discovered and explored to just past the 10m pitch. 1993-04-07 (D. Smart, J. Spies) explored another 100 m before being stopped by bad air. Martin Ellis - 15/06/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.1Tham Makaeng - MH0067
1.2Coffin Cave MH205 - MH0205
1.2Cave MH0204 - MH0204
1.5Tham Ban Luk Khao Lam - MH0016485113
1.6Cave MH0203 - MH02032000
1.6Sink MH0202 - MH0202
2.2Coffin Cave MH116 - MH0116
2.3Pha Tao Daeng Overhang [MH0270]
2.3Nam Bor Phi - MH0017106106