Kandwa Pot
»Take South track down spur from Bodyar FRH [note 2]to the second saddle in the ridge where paths meet [note 3]. From here, proceed along the contour [ca. 2400 m asl] on the right or West side of the hill opposite to the South-west to the small saddle [the second saddle?], with steep rocks on its further side. A valley which is a fallen in pothole goes East across the direction of the main ridge from this third saddle [note 4]. 50 yds down from the saddle on the left hand side [approx. south-east] is Kandwa pot« (Glennie 1946.08.01 Mss).
General description
From Kandwa Dhar (note 1) recorded Glennie (1946.08.01 Mss) »A wide hole in the cliff face with a depth at present of accessable [sic!] of 50 ft. [15.24 m]« which contains »a small dry chamber at one end with a deep hole in the floor blocked by a large boulder. This needs smashing with a crowbar and a sledge hammer and pulling away by rope.« TACKLE: »One 46 ft. [14 m] ladder and a long belay will reach.« PROSPECTS: Glennie (1946.08.01 Mss) recorded possible pothole cave entrances (see Kandwa Pot 2 etc.) »All these might be entered if digging is carried out in the immediate locality. The whole Kandwa hill needs a digging party's attention for a long time.« Leakey (1946.08.20 sheet 6): »A shepard who showed us Kandwa Pot knew of no others on Kandwa Dhar.« Leakey (1946.08.20 sheet 7): »Collapsed caves on Kandwa Dhar: Tried to find these by skirting the contour into the collapsed cave of Kandwa Pot. Saw no sign of another collapsed cave valley, but can't be sure.«
Notes for all sections
NOTE 1: South of the Budher Forest Rest House culminates Kandwa Dhar near N30°45'18”: E077°47'26” : 7980 ft. = 2432 m asl (Everest 1830, Survey of India Forest Map, One Inch to a Quarter Mile (ca. 1: 15,840) sheet 53-13 S2 (circa 1940). NOTE 2: Budher F.R.H., near N30°45'45”: E077°47'20” (Everest 1830, S.I. Forest Map 53-F/13 S2, circa 1940). NOTE 3: First saddle south of Budher F.R.H. where paths meet near N30°45'27”: E077°47'17”: 2400 m asl (Everest 1830, S.I. Forest Map 53-F/13 S2, circa 1940). Second saddle south of Budher F.R.H. where paths meet near N30°45'25”: E077°47'15”: 2400 m asl (Everest 1830, S.I. Forest Map 53-F/13 S2, circa 1940). NOTE 4: "First" Third Kandwa Dhar Saddle (NNW-SSE) 30°45'21”: E077°47'08”: 2400 m asl (Everest 1830, S.I. Forest Map 53-F/13 S2, circa 1940). "Second" Third Kandwa Dhar Saddle (ENE-WSW) 30°45'19”: E077°47'07”: 2400 m asl (Everest 1830, S.I. Forest Map 53-F/13 S2, circa 1940).
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.1 | KANDWA POT 3 | ||
0.1 | KANDWA POT 2 | ||
0.1 | KANDWA POT 5 | ||
0.1 | KANDWA POT 4 | ||
0.1 | KANDWA POT 6 | ||
0.5 | BUDHER MUD POT | ||
0.5 | BUDHER SLIT POT | ||
0.7 | SKY RIFT |