BRISYNI 1 (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

The estimated 10 m (note 1) or 20 m (note 2) long Krem Brisyni identified Jarratt (2005.03.06 Mss) as the worldwide only insurgence cave that takes dry water throughout the year (Jarratt 2005.03.06 Mss: Cave Log, vol. XII, 21/2/05). SITUATION: Not only in an incomprehensile setting but also at an unspecified location somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Daistong (note 3) but not near Khaidong as Jarratt (2005.03.06 Mss: Cave Log, vol. XII, 21/2/05) recorded. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005.1: Jarratt (2005.03.06 Mss: Cave Log, vol. XII, 21/2/05) understood that Krem Brisyni 1 (Farm Cave) was a muddy, dry perennial stream sink [note 4] in a gully with a 3 m climb down a rift to a descending canyon passage with a boulder stream floor and becoming too narrow. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005.2: Jarratt narrates from Krem Brisyni 2 to have discovered 20 m of rift passage becoming too tight (Jarratt 2005.02.21 Mss -Cave Log- vol. 13, page 15, online: accessed 2008.1.05). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005.3: Length: circa 20 m; vertical: circa 6 m; comment: too narrow (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls)..05). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2005.3: Length: circa 20 m; vertical: circa 6 m; comment: too narrow (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2005.02.21: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt (2005.03.06 Mss: Cave Log, vol. XII, 21/2/05), in company with Graham Marshall and Fraser E. Simpson, guided by Shartis Dkhar and Raplang Shangpliang, were chauffeur-driven by Adi [Addison Thabah] to Khaidong [sic! for: Daistong] with a tea and shortbread stop at the Dukan Sha tea shop. At Khaidong village [perhaps for: Daistong village] we got a local guide, Shartis [Shartis Dkhar], to show us seven new caves [Krem Brisyni 1-3, Krem Nan 1-3, Krem Sukbu] and the previously visited Krem Khangbru. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1BRISYNI 2 (Krem)
0.2BRISYNI 3 (Krem)
0.3NAN 1 (Krem)
0.4NAN 2 (Krem)
0.6NAN 3 (Krem)
0.8SUKBU (Krem)
0.8LIAT SDE (Krem)
0.9RNGI (Krem)
0.9SALU, Daistong (Krem)