Tham Huai Tong Thai - KA0413

Length 1819m Depth 34m
Grottocenter / carte


Located in boulder field at the junction of the Huai Tong Thai and Nam Mae Chon (Mae Khlong) rivers in Thungyai Naresun West Wildlife Sanctuary. Martin Ellis - 18/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 18/09/2019

The entrance is 25 m above the resurgence. This opens into a small dry upper chamber with a way through at the back leading to an 8 m drop to the river passage. The river passage averages 5 m wide and 10 m high. The rock is very sharp and brittle, fracturing easily making climbing over boulders hazardous and dangerous. At the first boulder fall a way over was found on the right hand side. After 500 m of large river passage a very large boulder chamber was encountered which is about 80 m wide by 30 m high. A steep 20-30 m scrabble on a very loose and dangerous slope up the left-hand side ended in a hazardous 3 m vertical climb before topping out. On the top of the boulders were three large standing stalagmites (approximately 5-6 m tall and 2 m in diameter) along with others that had fallen over. The main river passage continues for a further 1 km before exploration was stopped by a large boulder choke which could not be passed. Main sink is 3 km away and 225 m higher and other possible sinks 7 km away and 500 m higher.


Martin Ellis - 18/09/2019

OAKLEY, PHIL; SMART, DEAN (2002) - Grade UISv2 3-3-F OAKLEY, PHIL (2003) - Grade UISv2 3-3-F Dean Smart et al. continued survey to terminal boulder choke on 19 March 2004: Grade UISv2 3-3-A


Bibliography 18/09/2019


2002-04-01 D. Smart, T. Bolger, P. Oakley, P. Johnson - first exploration and survey 2004-03-19 D. Smart, T. Bolger, N. Anderson, Paul Johnson and Pete Johnson - completed exploration and survey Martin Ellis - 18/09/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.4Cave KA0218 - KA0218
2.2Shaft KA0448 - KA04481515
2.6Bad Air Hole [KA0447]
2.8Cave KA0577
3.2Cave KA0446 - KA0446
3.2Huai Tong Thai Sink - KA044433198
3.6Tham Stit - KA0399250
4.4Huai du Ngae Sink - KA0455
5.1Shaft KA457 - KA04571010