UMDA - UMSO, Thangskai (Krem)
The combined cave system of Krem Umda (insurgence) and Krem Umso (resurgence) is a true tunnel cave formed in Umlatdoh Limestone at the contact with the underlying Lakadong Sandstone. The basal sandstone controls not only horizontal cave development but also limits vertical cave development. Entering from the resurgence (25°11'45”N: 92°21'50”E), a 20 m wide and 3 m high undercut appears to give access to several braided cave passages which, however, represent one single crawlway (20 m to 35 m wide, less than 1 m high) with a choice of several routes. The easiest route runs on the orographic left (east) and leads after some 100 m to the Central Collapse Entrance (10 m wide, 15 m high) from where another 100 m of boulder strewn and walking-sized cae passage (10 m wide, 3 m high) leads to the upstream cave entrance known as Krem Umda (8 m wide, 5 m high, near 25°11'52”N: 92°21'50”E). The perennially active cave stream (on 16th February 1999 an estimated 2 l/s) leaves the main passage near the Central Collapse Entrance and flows into a crawl-sized cave passage (on average 2 m wide, 0.7 m high, more than 60 m long), which was pushed to a definite conclusion. ETYMOLOGY: The origin and meaning of the Khasi cave name "Krem Umda" has not been identified (note 1). Simon J Brooks created all on his own the cave name »Krem Khie Umsor« (Simon J. Brooks in: BROOKS, S J et al 1998: 29) either for the upstream end of the true tunnel cave or for Krem –>Umda 2. In this case, "umsor" is probably a disfigured form of "umso" (note 2) and "khieh" (note 3) a mutilated version of "khlieh" or »head, top« (note 4). SITUATION: At the base of an 8 m high south facing cliff which lies 2.2 km in a direct line north-east (330°) from Lumshnong (Kotsati Village Well) and upstream (approximately north) of the cave entrance to Krem –>Umso (25°11'25”N: 92°22'15”E). APPROACH: The entrance to Krem Umso, the resurgence, is reached by following the stream bed of Wah Umso (Synteng Khasi) or Wah Umsaw (standard Khasi) till where a trickling tributary from the orographic right (west, the Wah Umda) is followed for about 150 m to the cave entrance of Krem Umso, a resurgence at the foot of an 8 m cliff, which represents the lower end of Krem Umda.
NOTE 1: "da" (Khasi; verb, transitive) »to cover« (OLDHAM, T 1854 / 1984 appendix C: lxiv); »to protect« (SINGH, N 1906: 63); »to check; to continue; to defend; to protect« (SINGH, N 1920: 68, 91, 112, 407). "da" (Khasi; adjective) »of the best kind; selected; choice; sterling« (SINGH, N 1906: 63). "da" (Khasi; preposition) »by« (SINGH, N 1920: 57) after a noun denoting an action. NOTE 2: The Synteng Khasi (Pnar) cave name "Krem Umso" is the same as the standard Khasi "Krem Umsaw" and signifies a cave with a »rusty« or ochre coloured stream of water. NOTE 3: "khieh" (Khasi; verb, transitive) »to arise; to bestir« (SINGH, N 1920: 26, 44). NOTE 4: "ka khlieh" (Khasi; noun), binomial imitative: ”ka khlieh ka reng” (SINGH, N 1906: 33) is also found spelled ”ka khleh” (OLDHAM, T 1854 / 1984 appendix C: lxi) or ”ka khlih” (SINGH, N 1920: 22, 56, 122, 133, 141, 369) and has been translated as »the head; the top« (SINGH, N 1906: 33); »a cap; the head; the top« (SINGH, N 1920: 59, 215, 532); »the head; the top« (BLAH, E 2007: 127, 310).
EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1997.02.18: Simon J. Brooks, Brian and Paul A. Edmunds »… attempt yet fail to find another cave by the name of Khieh Um Sor« (Simon J. Brooks in: BROOKS, S J et al 1998: 29). 1998.01.22: »Kaimen H. Passah« (Kyrmen 'Hope' C Hiwot Passah) and unidentified members of the Jaintia Adventurers' Association, Jowai, are said to have visited »Krem Umda nos. 1-2« (GOGOI, N 1998). 1999.02.16 - 17: Guided by Speding Dkhar from Thangskai (25°11'45”N: 92°22'35“E), H. D. Gebauer (book), Andrew "Andy" Peter Tyler (compass & clinometer), Adora Thabah and Fraser Simpson (measuring tape) visited, entered, surveyed, mapped and explored.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.1 | UMDA 2 (Krem) | ||
0.2 | UMSO, Thangskai, 2nd (Krem) | ||
0.2 | UMTHURONG (Krem) | ||
0.3 | LABIT, Thangskai (Krem) | ||
0.3 | Umtyra (Krem) | ||
0.4 | UMTYRA, 2nd (Krem) | ||
0.4 | UR BLANG, Lumshnong: Chiehruphi (Krem) | ||
0.7 | ROMAI SYNHIN 1 (Krem) | ||
0.7 | ROMAI SYNHIN 2 (Krem) |