Kara (Enkuftu)

(East Harerghe - ET)
Length 38m Depth -18m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 29/12/2019

The small entrance (1m circumference) leads to a 15m pitch which lands on an unstable boulder pile in a relatively large chamber. A huge boulder, possibly once part of the roof, splits the chamber in half. One wall contains large crystals and the chamber is also decorated with curtains and cauliflower formations. The two ongoing passages are too tight to allow progress

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.9Dire Harow (Holqa) [Dere Haro]2357
3.6Orde 3 (Goda) [Holqa Orde 3]110
3.6Un-named Resurgence
3.7Qawa (Holqa)
3.7Orde 4 (Holqa or Goda)80
4.7Orde 1 (Enkuftu)9-8
5.1Hatu (Holqa)250
5.6Orde 2 (Holqa)1778
23.6Cheikh Momina (Holqa) [Cheik Hamina]6323