Aa Cave, Sohra (Sud Gatphoh and Patra 2000)

(Shella Bholaganj - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


SITUATION: Unknown. Somewhere at the side of the shortcut (an unmetalled but motorable route) from Sohra (Cherrapunjee) to Dain Thlen: Here, the stream Umlong (Um Long) -- or one of its tributaries -- falls an estimated 10 m or 20 m over a sandstone lip which protrudes over a void that may indicate a karstified interstratal limestone bank. POSITION: Most likely somewhere between N25°15'30-: E091°41'00- and N25°17'00-; E091°33'30- (Everest 1830). Judging from Survey of India sheet 78-O/11 (edition 1938), there seem to be -- but this is mere guesswork -- suitable sites near (±250 m) N25°17'50-: E091°42'36- (WGS84 = N25°17'48”: E091°42'46” Everest 1830) and N25°18'14-: E091°42'04-: 1476 m asl (WGS84 = N25°18$$12”: E091°42'14”: 4843 feet asl Everest 1830).$12”: E091°42'14”: 4843 feet asl Everest 1830). BTH - 11/07/2024


Brief description

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A dark shadow, strongly reminiscent of a cave entrance, is visible on a double paged photograph (SUD GATPHOH & PATRA 2000b: 40-41) showing a view of self-styled Srishti Falls (note 1) named after a glossy magazine published in Bombay for upperclass urban clients.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
2.6THLEN, Pomdaloi -- the cave (Krem U)
2.6DAIN THLEN (Krem)
2.6DAIN THLEN 2 (Krem)
3.0Thlen, Pomdaloi (The hole) [Thliew U]
3.1THLEN, Rangjirteh (Krem U)
3.4MIH THLONG (Krem)
3.7Lum Lawbah: Sink 2