Yebisa (Chhuboog Gewog - BT)
Grottocenter / carte


A troglodyte cave in calcite cemented conglomerate. SITUATION 1909: »… about two and a half miles [4 km] up the Mo Chu are the ruins of a small fort. It is called So na ga sa [note 1], which I think must be the Zemri-gatchie of Turner [note 2] … Not far off is a sort of a cave or arched recess in the bank …« (WHITE 1909 edited 1984: 150). SITUATION 1910: »About 2 1/2 miles up the Mo-chhu above Poonakha [note 3] are the ruins of a small fort called Sona-ga-sa, mentioned by Turner under the name Zemri-gatchi … Not far off is a sort of cave or arched recess …« (WHITE 1910: 25). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1909: »… sort of a cave or arched recess in the bank formed by percolations of lime binding the pebbles …« (WHITE 1909 edited 1984: 150) CAVE DESCRIPTION 1910: »… sort of cave or arched recess, which has been formed by percolations of lime bonding together the pebbles of a bank …« (WHITE 1910: 25) CULTURAL HISTORY - Human use: »… nearly three hundred years ago, Nagi-rinchen, a saint from India, is said to have lived here« (WHITE 1910: 25). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 02/02/2016

NOTE 1: Neither »So na ga sa« (WHITE1909 edited 1984: 150) or »Sona-ga-sa« (WHITE 1910: 25) nor »Zemri-gatchie of Turner« (WHITE1909 edited 1984: 150) --or the like-- is indicated on AMS sheet NG45-04 Phari Dzong (U502 series, 1963 edition) or in the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 27 G3). NOTE 2: »Turner« (WHITE 1910: 25) is probably the official of Turner's Mission 1783. NOTE 3: »Poonakha« (WHITE 1910: 25) --not to be confused with the remote village of Punakha (N27°37'30”: E089°50') high above the Mo Chhu-- is indicated on the valley floor as »Fort« (N27°37': E089°52'30”) on AMS sheet NG45-04 Phari Dzong (U502 series, 1963 edition) and as »Phugthang Dechhen Phodrang Dzong« in India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 27 G3). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 02/02/2016


Bibliography 02/02/2016
  • White, Jean-Claude 1909 edited 1994, 1910.



Herbert Daniel Gebauer (02/02/2016)

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