Holka Rukiessa 3

(West Harerghe - ET)
Grottocenter / carte


Brief description

GS Vulcains - 26/12/2019

Not possible to explore due to a river in flood but said by the villagers to be open in the dry season.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.7Holka Rukiessa 2
0.9Rukiessa (Holqa)1071-72
1.0Adaangur (Holka) [Adaanguv]3414
1.6White Tree Cave285
1.6Achere Cave3830
1.7Lencha (Goda)
1.7Goddalencha [Lion Cave]50-5
1.8Ayanage Cave3308
1.9Wart Hog Pot40-40