Tham Thia >>check position
-- From Louang Phrabang take the main road towards Vang Vieng. After half an hour by car (approximately 25 km) take the untarred road towards Muang Nan. Follow this road for another about 40 minutes (35 km) until the ”Agro Forestry Research Station” sign is found to the right. Don’t take the road leading off but continue straight ahead. After about 50 minutes one passes the village of Ban Phôngdâng. Continue straight ahead. Take the next untarred road leading off to the right which leads to Ban Thali. A display ”Tham Thia Cave” is placed here. Follow this road for about 5 minutes until a footpath is reached that turns off to the right and another sign points to the cave. Pass a few huts and follow a small stream. The path gradually ascends and reaches a swamp that can be crossed to the right via small wooden logs (a walking stick is helpful for the 5 minute traverse). Signs direct you from the swamp to a hut and a subsequent Y-junction where the left path should be selected. Six minutes later one arrives at the foot of a steep 15 minute climb that leads to the cave entrance [5158] Map sheet: E47-024 Methode: GPS
DREYBRODT JOERG informations
History:Above the entrance bamboo scaffoldings can be seen which are used for hunting bats. The main chamber [..]. The floor is covered with[..] bat guano which is harvested by the locals [5158] Explo history: -- 11-14.11.2000 explored and surveyed to 450m by AMIS Laos Expedition 2000 (NL) [5158] Cave description: Citation: Analysis: [4895]: Nan district: Located about 10 km from Nan district you can visit Tham Chia cave. It's consists entirely of one big cave and the entrance alone is 22 meters wide by 40 metres high. The deepest points at 105 meters a depth is reached over a length of only 227 metres. When you are in side the cave you will see it is very beautiful, very cool and fresh [4983]: >> shown in map; 45 km südlich von Luang Prabang stürzen die Fluten Tad Kachams in die Tiefe [...]27 km weiter südlich, bereits in der Provinz Xaignabouri, liegt Tham Thia, laut Wegweisern die "größte Höhle on Laos".[...]Tham Thia: Wahrlich zwergenhaft lässt einen die riesige Halle von Tham Thia, östlich der Straße 2 nahe Ban Thali, erscheinen. Die vermeintlich "größte Höhle von Laos" erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 17 500 m², ist 70 m hoch, 110 m tief und 450 m lang. Der Name Tham Thia bedeutet "Fledermaushöhle" und bezieht sich auf die zahlreichen Flattertiere, die hier zuhause sind. Der Kot der Tiere wird von den Bewohnern der umliegenden Dörfer gesammelt und als Dünger nach Thailand verkauft. Gerüchten zufolge sollen hier vor 30 Jahren auch Tiger gelebt haben. Einziger Nachteil der spektakulären Höhle ist die beschwerliche Anfahrt. Mit dem eigenen Fahrzeug folgt man ab Tad Kacham der Straße 2 bis zur Provinzgrenze (24 km), biegt nach weiteren 2 km rechts auf einen Sandweg ab und erreicht nach 1,5 km ein Schild, das rechts zu einem Trampelpfad in Richtung Tham Thia weist. Der 45 minütige Fußweg von hier bis zur Höhle ist schlecht ausgeschildert und sehr anstrengend. Er führt durch Sumpf, über loses Geröll und schließlich einen steilen Hang hinauf. Man kann versuchen, im 4 km südlich gelegenen Ban Thali einen Guide zu engagieren." [5158]: Tham Tia primarily consists of a huge chamber with impressive dimensions (250 m long, 110 m wide) illuminated by daylight. The entrance is 22 m wide and 40 m high. Above the entrance bamboo scaffoldings can be seen which are used for hunting bats. The main chamber of Tham Tia has forests of massive formations, tens of metres high. The floor is covered with large rocks and bat guano which is harvested by the locals. The deepest part of the chamber is –105 m below the entrance. This depth is reached over a distance of only 227 m At the deep end of the chamber a difficult (rope!) climb to a small balcony provides access to a small crawl that continues for about 50 metres until it ends >> survey >> shown in map [8525]: only fauna records [8869]: listed as tourism asset [5128]: >> survey >> shown in map Equipment: At the deep end of the main chamber a difficult (rope!) climb to a small balcony ... [5158] Remarks:According to [4983], the cave is already in Xaignabouri Province, but on the Map it is shown in Luang prabang province check position, identical with Dunno Cave! References: [4895]: SUNV & Provincial Tourism Office Luang Prabang 2002: Luang Prabang Community-Based Sustainable Tourism Programme. (LP-CST Programme) Phase I. URL:… [4983]: Düker, J. & Monreal, A. 2003: Stefan Loose Travel Handbuch Laos. Du Mont Reiseverlag. 400 pp. [5128]: Damen, F., Eskes, D., Burgers, J., Meijer, P. & Damen, F. sr. 2003: Amis Laos Caving Expedition 2000. Expedition Report of the first Dutch caving Expedition in Lao P.D.R. 104 pp, 4 maps. [5158]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. (eds.) 2005: The unknown North of Laos (Karst and Caves of the Provinces Luang Phrabang and Luang Nam Tha). Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte 16. 105 pp & Annex. [8525]: Dreybrodt, J. & Laumanns, M. (eds.) 2010: The Unknown North of Laos (Part 3 - 2009-2010: Karst and Caves of the Provinces Houaphan and Oudomxay). - Berliner Höhlenkundliche Berichte 38. 94 pp + Annex. [8869]: TEAM Consulting Engeneering and Management Co. 20: Feasability Study, Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Project, Lao P.D.R. - Final Report (Main Report), prepared for Ch. Karnchang Public Company Ltd. 231 pp.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.0 | Dunno Cave | 5 | |
0.7 | Birthday Cave | 34 | |
1.2 | Tham Gnai | 44 | |
4.8 | Jiko (Tham) | 0 | |
7.0 | Vertigo Cave | -26 | |
7.3 | Tham Konhoun | 0 | |
8.2 | Tham Nok Ene | 0 | |
13.9 | Hlub Koj (Tham) [Grotte de Byzance] | 34 | 5 |
13.9 | Bai Mai Gnai (Tham) [Grotte des Grandes Feuilles] | 103 | 14 |