Shabaz Sah Ghara

(ضلع مستونگ - PK)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A pothole with an about 1.5 m square cave entrance, which is not only said to drop directly into a bell chamber but also was understood to give access to a pitch characterised by a relatively large block 7 m down forming a bridge across the shaft (Brooks, S J 1997 Mss: Pakistan Cave Database; BOYCOTT & DOWSWELL 1998), descends some 33 m down into a bell-shaped shaft with an unspecified cave floor (estimated 15 m by 30 m wide, unidentified orientation). At the head of the pitch there is an estimated 10 m long phreatic tube, about 1.4 m in diameter and leading into an unidentified direction and at the base of the shaft the floor slopes by 30° to the east where, at the lower end of the slope, a rift cave passage (0.8 m wide, 2 m high), can be followed for 3 m till it becomes too tight. (Brooks, S J 1997 Mss: Pakistan Cave Database; BOYCOTT & DOWSWELL 1998). SITUATION: At an unidentified location and in an unspecified spatial relation with the –>Nishpa Tunnel (Brooks, S J 1997 Mss; BOYCOT & DOWSWELL 1998). APPROACH: From the entrance to the gorge (–>Titran Ghara, –>Nishpa Tunnel), follow the track 300 m south-east. Traverse round behind an attached pinnacled spur. The 1.5 m square entrance lies adjacent to the faint path leading over an unidentified the minor pass (unidentified name, unidentified direction). CAVE LIFE: The upper part of the shaft is a roosting place of numerous pigeons (Brooks, S J 1997 Mss: Pakistan Cave Database; BOYCOTT & DOWSWELL 1998). The relation of Shabaz Sah Ghara (or: Shahbaz Chah Ghara?) needs checking.


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Boycott, Antony & Dowswell, Peter 1998.


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.7Titran Ghara
2.0Nishpa Tunnel
6.6LANDI, Bathora (Kode)
9.3Jizgai, Kanak
9.3Kaftara, Kanak [Kode]
9.3Basham 1 (Kode)
9.3Basham 2 (Kode)