Terus (Song)

(Pacitan - ID)
Grottocenter / carte


Song Terus cave is located in Weru village, Pacitan, East Java. This site is one of the caves that formed in the limestone karstic hills in Gunung Sewu Area. The location of the cave is about 3 km from Keplek cave, and around 300 m from Tabuhan cave. Source : * Mohammad Mirza Ansyori, 'FAUNA FROM THE OLDEST OCCUPATION LAYER IN SONG TERUS CAVE, EASTERN JAVA, INDONESIA Biochronological significance of Terus Layer' : acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:3b61b77e-607d-… BTH - 21/06/2024

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1022.5Bulu Sipong 4 (Leang)
1258.6Gua Kambing481093
1265.4Lubang Apil1469
1275.5Gua Huarto540
1286.5Lubang Pelangas
1286.7Lubang Gibut
1286.7Lubang Gibut 2
1287.8Lubang Batukoloy Diba
1287.8Lubang Batukoloy