Nam Pu (Tham) [LO0149]

Length 693m Depth 21m
Grottocenter / carte


From Tham Bodhisattva continue south, past Wat Tham Soong, for 1.5km to a point where the road crosses a bank with a pond on the left (east). The resurgence is at the base of the cliff on the right, about 30m from the road. Continuing along the road for another 250m there is atrack into a rubber plantation. From the end of the plantation two large trees can be seen in forest, about 50m away, and the dry entrance is below these trees. There is a path from the rubber plantation to the dry entrance, though this may be overgrown. Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020



Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

WERGER, CRAIG (2012b) - UISv2 3-2-A - flooded cave SMCC (February 2014) - UISv2 6-3-F - dry cave John Gosset (February 201) - UISv2 6-3-F - extension to dry cave Ellis, Martin (2018)


[Topo] Tham Nam Pu 07/05/2019
Bibliography 21/03/2020


2012-04-25 (C. Werger, C. Davey, J. Wylie. J. Cafaro) site was found and dived 2014-02-07 (M. Ellis, P. Collett) The dry cave was surveyed 2015-02 John Gosset et al. found a dry extension to a western entrance. Martin Ellis - 21/03/2020

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.4Cave LO01931300
0.5Tham Sung - LO0138387
0.6Cave LO019220
0.6Tham Soong [LO0191]300
1.1Tham Bohisattva Shrine Cave - LO01361750
1.1Cave LO0137 - LO0137200
1.2LO0170 (Cave) 200
1.4Tham Bodhisattva - LO00161000
4.3Namtok Piyang Din Resurgence - LO0109