(Saipung - IN)
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Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) is believed to give access to an unspecified and caving-wise unidentified cave »which again proved itself very elusive indeed« (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 7th February 2015 Saturday). ETYMOLOGY: The origin, history and meaning of the cave name »Krem Khalang« (Anonymous 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx) has not yet been identified. At a first glance, the Khasi »Krem Khalang« translates as Cognate Cave (note 1) but may signify a somehow generative cave (note 2) -- unless it is famed for catchable or palatable fish (note 3).SITUATION: Unknown. Presumably somewhere in the vicinity of Saipung (25°20'17”N: 92°37'12”E), the populated place on the Kopili - Litang interfluve. CULTURAL HISTORY: Unknown. The name suggests an emergence cave (note 4) and, perhaps, an archaeoligically potential site.

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

NOTE 1: ba kha lang (Khasi; adjective) cognate (SINGH, N 1920: 76), perhaps in the sense cognate (adjective) related, connected, related to or descended from a common ancestor (Oxford Dictionary 2005) NOTE 2: kha (Khasi; verb, transitive and intransitive) to give birth (SINGH, N 1906: 24); to bear, deliver, engender, generate, litter, teem (SINGH, N 1920: 39, 114, 153, 200, 295, 520); yean (BLAH, E 2007: 336). ka kha (Khasi; noun) a wound (SINGH, N 1920: 598). u kha (Khasi; noun) a relation on the father's side (SINGH, N 1906: 24). i kha (Khasi; appellation; noun) a paternal aunt (SINGH, N 1906: 24). NOTE 3: ka 'kha (Khasi; noun), an abbreviation of ka dohkha (SINGH, N 1906: 24), a fish (SINGH, N 1906: 24). »The Khasi "doh" merely means flesh, and the word dohkha is very frequently abbreviated, c.f. 'kha saw, 'kha iong« (GURDON, P R T 1906: 202) and »… please note that … kha is short for dohkha which means fish« (Kharptan Daly, B D 2012.12.31 personal communication). NOTE 4: a site associated with an act or process of coming into being: appearance, arrival, coming, materialization; advent, inception, dawn, birth, origination, start, development, rise. NOTE 5: Caves may be fruitful and expedition caving fruitless or, in Khasi, ba lyngki, balyngki (adj.) barren (SINGH 1906: 121); barren, infecund, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive (SINGH, N 1920: 38, 253, 254, 496, 555, 561); sterile (BLAH, E 2007: 288). ba soh ra (adj.) bearing scanty fruit (SINGH, N 1906: 209). ba ym roi, b'ym roi, bym roi (adj.) unproductive (SINGH, N 1920: 561).ba ym seisoh, b'ym seisoh, bym seisoh (adj.) barren, infecund, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive (SINGH, N 1920: 38, 253, 254, 496, 555, 561); abortive, infertile, sterile, vain (BLAH, E 2007: 2, 149, 288, 322).


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2015.02.07: An unidentified »Scorpio driver« called »Ker [no full name recognised]« drove Brian D. Kharpran Daly and Fraser E. Simpson from what had been in February 2015 a camp in which expedition cavers were kept outside the populated place of Umkyrpong (25°26'04”N: 92°34'48”E) »over to Saipung on the new road only taking 15 minutes to reach Kseh, then another 45 minutes to Saipung where they met up with Raplang and his friend. They went searching for Krem Khalang (several fruitless attempts had been made in previous years) which again proved itself very elusive indeed. So they returned to camp, disappointed after a ‘fruitless’ day [note 5]« (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 7th February 2015 Saturday). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 07/05/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.6SARONG, Saipong, Saipung (Caves near)
5.1AA CAVE (Doyle 2013), 2nd
5.1AA CAVE (Doyle 2013), 1st
5.2SNAIT, Daistong (Krem)
5.3SALU, Daistong (Krem)
5.3TYRLIEN, Daistong (Krem)