Gokak Fissure

(Gokak taluku - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Nearly vertical fissures (note 1), which contain bones and dung (guano) of bats, rats and wild pigeons (note 2), occur in the sides of the Ghatprabha gorge below Gokak Falls (note 3). Rocks, debris, and rubbish from above have sometimes choked the upper portions of these fissures. Their sides, though generally smooth, are marked with shallow, polished groves (scallops?). Compare –>Gokak Cave. CULTURAL HISTORY - archaeology: NEWBOLD, T J (1845a: 280) … made two excavations through the floor of the principal fissure, in the hope of meeting with organic remains, but in vain. After penetrating the surface layer of loose stones, and bat's dung, a fine red earth was met with [note 4], imbedding angular fragments of sandstone, and a few rounded pebbles of it and quartz. After digging for about four or five feet through this, farther progress was prevented by great blocks of solid rock. CAVE LIFE: Bats (Chiroptera), rats (Rattus), pigeons (Collocalia), hyena (Hyena), and porcupine (Hystrix).Nearly vertical fissures (note 1), which contain bones and dung (guano) of bats, rats and wild pigeons (note 2), occur in the sides of the Ghatprabha gorge below Gokak Falls (note 3). Rocks, debris, and rubbish from above have sometimes choked the upper portions of these fissures. Their sides, though generally smooth, are marked with shallow, polished groves (scallops?). Compare –>Gokak Cave. CULTURAL HISTORY - archaeology: NEWBOLD, T J (1845a: 280) … made two excavations through the floor of the principal fissure, in the hope of meeting with organic remains, but in vain. After penetrating the surface layer of loose stones, and bat's dung, a fine red earth was met with [note 4], imbedding angular fragments of sandstone, and a few rounded pebbles of it and quartz. After digging for about four or five feet through this, farther progress was prevented by great blocks of solid rock. CAVE LIFE: Bats (Chiroptera), rats (Rattus), pigeons (Collocalia), hyena (Hyena), and porcupine (Hystrix).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1844 July: Captain Thomas J. NEWBOLD, T J (1845a: 277-281) explored the fissures and excavated two trial pits. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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