JNGEM (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

A partly choked sink gives access to a cave chamber (4 m, 8 m, 6.5 m) with mud floor which lies, per adventure, about 100 m approximately north of Krem –>Wah Rylien (also: Cave of –>Bun). ETYMOLOGY: Among the recorded cave names one finds not only Krem Jngem (note 1) and Krem Jngiem (note 2) but also Krem Jngeim (note 3) The Khasi -jgnem- (verb, transitive) means to bruise (SINGH, N 1920: 55), is a derivate of -jngem snam- (haematoma), and is the Khasi word for a discolouring of the skin; black and blue (SINGH, N 1906: 101). Boycott & Stead (2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Jngiem) suspected Krem Jngiem to represent a disputable kind of ?Bear Cave? but it is the Khasi -ka ngiem- (feminine) or -u ngiem- (masculine), a contraction of -ka / u dngiem- (SINGH, N 1906: 78), which is the Khasi word for a bear, zoologically: Ursidae. SITUATION: At an unidentified location and in an unspecified setting which was said to lie From Krem Bun (N25°21'11.9”: E092°31'22.6”, February 2004) 190 m in direction 00° (Arbenz, T 2005.02.15 Mss: Krem Jngem) but the GPS positions, which have been recorded for the cave entrance, indicate a spot that lies the other way round, or 190 m in a direct line on a bearing of 020° from the Krem –>Wah Rylien nicknamed Krem Bun. APPROACH: Walk up slope [note 4] from Krem Wah Rylien, then down about 60 or 80 m [deleted: with] through forest to a earth and boulder steep slope (Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Jngiem). CAVE DESCRIPTIONS 2004: Krem Jgniem, c. 10 m, canyon passage unchecked (Arbenz, T 2004.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls). Sink. Climb down 5 m under boulder [where one] Can see into canyon passage [estimated] 10 m deep (Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss: Krem Jngiem). Sink, partially choked, into chamber ( 4 x 8 x 6.5 m) with sandy mud floor containing fine gravel. Tackle required: 10 m rope / 7 m free-hang (Arbenz, T 2005.02.15 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Record). Boycott, Antony 'Tony' (in: Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss) identified a canyon passage 10 m deep Stead (in: Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss) confirms Possibly under cutting rocks to the left of boulder entrance - some loose boulders. Brooks, S J (handwritten amendment to: Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss) confirms the confimation of believing in Worth re-visiting with more equipment. CAVE DESCRIPTIONS 2005: A blocked sink and chamber that is choked after a distance of 12 m (Brooks 2005 Mss: Meghalaya Diary). 12.00 / 12.00 [sic! for: 12 / 6.5] (Brooks 2005.10.05 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Survey Summary). CAVE POTENTIAL: In case someone skilled returns to this item not only in view of prospecting a much prospected site but also more or less sufficiently equipped, this cave could be mapped and, as a side effect, also surveyed and explored. CAVE LIFE: Harvestmen in the entrance bouncing in civism, ssme floated off into space inparue (Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss). This can be interpreted to relate to an aspect of Arachnidae conf. Opiliones. Stead (in: Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss) confirms Possibly under cutting rocks to the left of boulder entrance - some loose boulders. Brooks, S J (handwritten amendment to: Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss) confirms the confimation of believing in Worth re-visiting with more equipment. CAVE DESCRIPTIONS 2005: A blocked sink and chamber that is choked after a distance of 12 m (Brooks 2005 Mss: Meghalaya Diary). 12.00 / 12.00 [sic! for: 12 / 6.5] (Brooks 2005.10.05 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Survey Summary). CAVE POTENTIAL: In case someone skilled returns to this item not only in view of prospecting a much prospected site but also more or less sufficiently equipped, this cave could be mapped and, as a side effect, also surveyed and explored. CAVE LIFE: Harvestmen in the entrance bouncing in civism, ssme floated off into space inparue (Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss). This can be interpreted to relate to an aspect of Arachnidae conf. Opiliones.


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2004.02.10: Bun Sukhlain guided Thomas Arbenz, Shelley A. Diengdoh and Joseph 'Joe' H. Duxbury to the entrance of Krem Jngem (Arbenz, T 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls). 2004.02.12: Bun Sukhlain and Raplang Shangpliang guided Boycott, Antony 'Tony', and Jayne Stead to the entrance of Krem Jngiem (Boycott & Stead 2004.02.12 Mss: Meghalaya Cave Record) though Arbenz, T (2004.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls) somehow recorded Discovered by AB, JS, AH, NB, BKD, IF. 2005.02.15: Thomas Arbenz, Peter Ludwing and Joe Whistler explored (Arbenz, Thomas 2005.02 Mss: Abstracts.xls; Arbenz, T 2005.02.15 Mss: Krem Jngem; Brooks 2005 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Diary; Brooks 2005.10.05 Mss: Meghalaya 2005 Survey Summary). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.1WAH EJIAR (Ende 2007) 1st (Krem)
0.1WAH EJIAR (Ende 2007) 2nd (Krem)
0.1WAH RYLIEN (Krem)
0.1WEED CAVE (aa -)
0.2SYRTAP, 2nd (Boycott 2004) (Krem)
0.2SYRTAP, 2nd (Arbenz 2004) (Krem)
0.2SYRTAP, 2nd (Ende 2007) (Krem)
0.2SYRTAP, 1st (Ende 2007) (Krem)
0.2SYRTAP, 1st (Arbenz 2007) (Krem)