PADAN CAVE 1 (Todd 1937)

(Ambernath - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/04/2016

Two relatively small »caves« (TODD 1937) or »rock shelters« (Todd 1945.11.12 Mss: Letter to E. Aubrey Glennie) of unidentified size contain rock art (note 1) and yielded stone age tools (mesolithic implements) made of indurated shale (note 2). SITUATION: Todd (1945.11.12 Mss) places the two caves on one »Padan Hill [note 3] … overlooking the Bombay [illegible: Re…?] gravel & rock quarrying site at Kandivli [note 4], some 24 miles [38 km] north of Bombay, on Salsette Island [note 5]. Here there is a steeply rising ridge domed to the N. W. Below this domed portion and some 30 feet in height below the summit there is a small cliff, 10 feet in height, which faces in a WNW direction. At the base of this small cliff there are two small caves with a ledge of rock & detritus some 15 feet wide in front …« WHEELER (1959 revised 1968: 66): »… an Upper Palaeolithic horizon was detected by Commander K.R.U. Todd in a clay- and gravel-pit at Khandivli, 21 miles [34 km] north of Bombay.« (note 5).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 30/04/2016

NOTE 1: The science magzine Nature (London), Vol. 139, no. 1100, 1937 June 26, page 114) reports from »Khandivli [sic!] … caves associated with rock engravings were excavated by Lieut.-Commander Todd who found Mesolithic implements made of indurated shale« (TODD 1937). NOTE 2: »In a black sandy seam which dips to the WNW at an angle of 10° & overlies the rock, is a crude microlithic culture consisting of rough scrapers, cores & blades. This sandy layer is covered by slabs of rock which have been laid to form a flat terrace & in which has been excavated a fine bas relief & pottery …« (Todd, 1945.11.12 personal correspondence with E. Aubrey Glennie). NOTE 3: »Padan Hill« (Todd 1945.11.12 Mss) is not identified unless it corresponds to the hillocks marked »Bavamalang« near N19°06': E073°10': 2595 feet = 791 m asl and near N19°08': E073°11': 2595 feet = 791 m asl on AMS sheet NE43-01 Kalyan (U502 series, 1959 edition) in an area about 15 km in a direct line approximately SSE of Kalyan (N19°15': E073°09'). NOTE 4: »Khandivli« (TODD 1937) and »Kandivli« (Todd 1945.11.12 Mss; MAHRATHE, Ahsok 2006: 1539) is not identified unless it corresponds to the »Khuntivli« marked near N19°12': E073°12' on AMS sheet NE43-01 Kalyan (U502 series, 1959 edition) and positioned as »Kahoj Khuntivli« at N19°13': E073°11' ( accessed 16.11.2003). NOTE 5: Salsette Island N19°12': E072°54' ( accessed 16.11.2003) on AMS sheet NE43-01 Kalyan (U502 series, 1959 edition). NOTE 6: WHEELER (1959 revised 1968: 183 note 31) referes to »Proc. Prehist. Soc. of East Anglia VII (1932), 39-40. See also K. R. U. Todd, 'The microlithic industries of Bombay, A.I. no. 6 (1950), pp. 4-16; and, more generally, D. H. Gorden, 'The Stone Industries of the Holocene in India and Pakistan', A.I. no. 6 (1950), 64-90.«


Bibliography 30/04/2016
  • Todd, K R U 1932, 1937; Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer 1959 revised 1968.

Caves nearby

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