Naasïol (Former Boira)

(East Harerghe - ET)
Length 483m Depth -10m
Grottocenter / carte


A 2 hour walk from Tokkuma jalaala passes a farmhouse and eventually reaches a blind valley at the end of which is a cliff with an obvious entrance at the foot. GS Vulcains - 04/01/2020


GS Vulcains - 04/01/2020

A dusty hands and knees crawl for 20m reaches a narrow passage which descends to the left as a flat out crawl to reach a sharp right hand bend. Beyond is a small chamber with a choice of narrow passages. The way on is through a body size hole in the roof of the chamber. After squeezing through the hole the first of a series of beautifully decorated chambers is reached. These chambers continue for nearly 500m of mostly easy walking passage containing mind blowing formations ranging from 20m high pillars through clouds of straws to delicate helictites.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
16.9Mata Leencha 1 (Enkuftu)45-25
18.4Golda Gaddo 2219-42
18.5Golda Gaddo 14-3
18.7Abonyou Inf (Enkuftu)30694
18.7Abonyou Sup (Enkuftu)30694
19.3Wachu I (Enkuftu)180-141
19.4Wachu II (Enkuftu)168-58
21.4Beke (Holqa)300
25.9Gola (Holqa)20-2