MULIEH (Jarratt 2004) 1st (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

One of three potholes (note 1), which are roughly aligned descending from NNW to SSE, are more or less connected by a narrow, down-sloping canyon with a muddy floor (Arbenz, T 2008 Fieldbook: 69-70). EVALUATION: Krem Mulieh 1/2/3 … is basically a catchment and seasonal sink which probably drains to an area characterised by shallow depressions with low, rocky walls that fan out to a plantation area and rice field terraces. This suggests that the cave sumps completely during the monsoon season and the overflow waters the cultivated area (Arbenz, T2008 Mss: Fieldbook- 69). This, I suppose, is a swallet [note 2] taking in a small steam with a Shaktiman [lorry] tyre wedged where you might enter. You need no tackle to enter the stream passage, after about 30 m you encounter daylight [is this -daylight- the Krem –>Mulieh 2 of Jarratt 2004?] where the main shaft to the cave is met (Jarratt, A R2004.02.19 Mss). ETYMOLOGY: Jarratt (2004.02.19 Mss: Krem Mulieh) was led to believe Krem Muhlieh (sc!) translates as Kave of the kaolin-like stuff locals eat to ward off constipation (note 3). A little later JARRATT (2004a: 28, 2004b) arrived without sympathy or understanding but complete with an exclamation mark, that -mulieh- means soft, white rock which cures diarrhoea! and obviously meant was is popularly known as terra salvatoria in pharmacist's Latin (vulgo: healing earth): A variety of saponaceous earths established in medical tradition; more often than not Fuller's earth but also moonmilk (in Latin: lac montanis; in German: Mondmilch / Montmilch; in Urdu: multani mitti; in Tibetan: gCong-gZhi) and the like. SITUATION (Jarratt 2004.02.19 Mss: Krem Mulieh): Without GPS position in a certain Area called [deleted: Lum Patwaid] Lum Patwat (note 4). APPROACH: ARBENZ (2008 Fieldbook: 69) describes how to reach Krem Mulieh 1/2/3 by a route which begins from the football pitch [note 5] at Khaidong village [note 6]. Take the footpath in an easterly direction towards the Lost Worl doline [note 7]. On the col [note 8], which separates the doline from the Wah Arlein ravine, take the footpath to the south that follows the Wah Shikar spur [note 9]. After passing a steep 5 m step, a spring is met. From here, follow the water and the obvious cow's path SW to a small ravine, which is intersected by three potholes that act as seasonal sinks.CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Jarratt 2004.02.19 Mss): From the entrance to the main shaft is small but still walking [sized cave passage] with a couple of small drops (no tackle required), one squeeze. From the bottom of the 40 m pitch the passage gains size to a large chamber and small aven, the streamway is easily followed down more pitches. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (JARRATT 2004a: 28, 2004b): The 18th [February 2004] was spent in glorious sunshine recceing the [Shnongrim] ridge and catchment area above Krem Wah Shikar and finding Krem Mulieh 1-4. 1 and 2 were connected via a 40 m pot but the promising passage below degenerated into a wet cral, which even the redoubtable Quentin [-Cooper- Cowper] was indisposed to push, even with his helmet off. TACKLE (Jarratt 2004.02.19 Mss): 55 m rope. CAVE LIFE: Jarratt (2004.02.19 Mss) recorded, apparently in an advanced state of alcoholic consumption, not only the presence of blind white millipeed (perhaps Myriapoda: Diplopoda as pale as a screen for a window or as an awning over a shop window) and Liserd (lizard) but also spichs (spiders) and cricets (crickets). doline [note 7]. On the col [note 8], which separates the doline from the Wah Arlein ravine, take the footpath to the south that follows the Wah Shikar spur [note 9]. After passing a steep 5 m step, a spring is met. From here, follow the water and the obvious cow's path SW to a small ravine, which is intersected by three potholes that act as seasonal sinks.CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Jarratt 2004.02.19 Mss): From the entrance to the main shaft is small but still walking [sized cave passage] with a couple of small drops (no tackle required), one squeeze. From the bottom of the 40 m pitch the passage gains size to a large chamber and small aven, the streamway is easily followed down more pitches. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (JARRATT 2004a: 28, 2004b): The 18th [February 2004] was spent in glorious sunshine recceing the [Shnongrim] ridge and catchment area above Krem Wah Shikar and finding Krem Mulieh 1-4. 1 and 2 were connected via a 40 m pot but the promising passage below degenerated into a wet cra doline [note 7]. On the col [note 8], which separates the doline from the Wah Arlein ravine, take the footpath to the south that follows the Wah Shikar spur [note 9]. After passing a steep 5 m step, a spring is met. From here, follow the water and the obvious cow's path SW to a small ravine, which is intersected by three potholes that act as seasonal sinks.CAVE DESCRIPTION 1 (Jarratt 2004.02.19 Mss): From the entrance to the main shaft is small but still walking [sized cave passage] with a couple of small drops (no tackle required), one squeeze. From the bottom of the 40 m pitch the passage gains size to a large chamber and small aven, the streamway is easily followed down more pitches. CAVE DESCRIPTION 2 (JARRATT 2004a: 28, 2004b): The 18th [February 2004] was spent in glorious sunshine recceing the [Shnongrim] ridge and catchment area above Krem Wah Shikar and finding Krem Mulieh 1-4. 1 and 2 were connected via a 40 m pot but the promising passage below degenerated into a wet cral, which even the redoubtable Quentin [-Cooper- Cowper] was indisposed to push, even with his helmet off. TACKLE (Jarratt 2004.02.19 Mss): 55 m rope. CAVE LIFE: Jarratt (2004.02.19 Mss) recorded, apparently in an advanced state of alcoholic consumption, not only the presence of blind white millipeed (perhaps Myriapoda: Diplopoda as pale as a screen for a window or as an awning over a shop window) and Liserd (lizard) but also spichs (spiders) and cricets (crickets).


Bibliography 06/01/2018
  • Jarratt, Anthony 'Tony' R 2004a, 2004b.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2006.02.13: Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt (2004.02.19 Mss 'Krem Mulieh' dated 19 Feb '04, amended 2006) and Terence 'Terry' M. Whitaker, guided by Evermore Sukhlain (Shnongrim cowboy), descended party way by ladder. 2006.02.14: Descended to bottom by Henry Rockcliff, Anthony 'Tony' R. Jarratt and Terence 'Terry' M. Whitaker or, literally quoted for the sake of true and original insights: Deseneld to Betom 14/2/06 by Henny Rockcliff, T.J. and T.W. (Anthony 'Tony' R Jarratt 2004.02.19 Mss 'Krem Mulieh' dated 19 Feb '04, amended 2006). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

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