Mawsynram - Jathang (Spring near)
(Mawsynram - IN)
On the south-east rim of the village of Jathang (±250 m N25°19'05”: E091°36'10” WGS84) which lies about 3 km in a direct line (probably corresponding to 5 km or 6 km along the road) approximately north-east of the village of Mawsynram (N25°17'50”: E091°35'10” WGS84) and south-east of kilometre stone 31 on the road north-east to Weiloi (note 1).
Various information
An unexplored source of water, which possibly represents a karst spring. ETYMOLOGY: No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified for what is indicated as Spring next to a dot, the symbol for a spring, on the Survey of India toposheet 78-O/11 (edition 1974, 1: 50'000 series).
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Survey of India, 1: 50'000 series toposheet 78-O/11 edition 1974.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
2.4 | MAWSYNRAM CAVE (Kharpran Daly 1999) (aa -) | ||
2.5 | MAWJYMBUIÑ, Mawsynram (Krem) | ||
2.7 | AA CAVES, Mawsynram (Smart 1992) | ||
2.8 | DAM, Mawsynram (Krem) | ||
3.7 | RIDA (Krem) | ||
5.9 | KYNTURSNIANG (Krem hajan) | ||
6.0 | SYMPER 2 (Thliew U) | ||
6.0 | SYMPER 1 (Thliew U) | ||
6.0 | SYMPER 3 (Thliew U) |