Anjohy Tsivintsy (Complexe d')

Length 6207m
Grottocenter / carte


Co-ordinates: X218,545 Y81(2),977?; UTM38 X=469992 Y-7923932. Alt 90 m. Located in the Réserve Naturelle Intégral de l’Antsingy de Bemaraha and in the UNESCO World Heritage area. BTH - 16/12/2023


General description

Michael Laumanns - 29/11/2015

Anjohy Tsivintsy is a cave system that comprises different caves, namely the caves GR27, GR28, and GR36, which form the so-called Réseau Befampoehana with 3,282 m of passage length, as well as the caves Zohy Ody (2,050 m), Zohy Tohy and Zohy Vintsy (GR17) (750 m). Length according to Sibert (2004) and Delaty et al. (2006).


Explored in 2002 and 2003 by a French team led by Eric Sibert. BTH - 16/12/2023

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
6.8Zohy Malalaky2166
7.1Zohi Krisitaly3355
25.5Anjohy Kina Kina3233
265.3Anjohy Belaka1970
424.7Anjohibe (Siphon)
424.7Anjohibe n°3 (Grotte d')124747
425.0Anjohibe n°3 - Entrée 17_08 (Grotte d')124747
425.1Anjohibe n°3 Entrée 17_09 (Grotte d')124747