Osama Bin Laden, Shah-i Kot, Zurmat (Tahkhana ke)
Man-made rock-cut chambers (tahkhana) which served a 'senior Whitehall source' to claim that they were used, presumably, by the Mujahedin (Al Qaida / Qaeda, Taliban) or even Osama Bin Laden himself as bombproof underground strongholds and hide-outs (bunkers). The (fabulous?) 'cave' was found when fighting for al-Qaeda positions around the village of Shah-e-Kot near (note 1) the city of Gardez (BEAUMONT & VULLIAMY 2002.03.24). CULTURAL HISTORY: According to BEAUMONT & VULLIAMY (2002.03.24) detailed a 'senior Whitehall source' how American soldiers had found a cave where al-Qaeda terrorists had built a 'biological and chemical weapons' laboratory. One report quoted the source as saying: 'We know from documents found in Kabul and the lab in the cave that Osama bin Laden has acquired a chemical and biological weapons capability.' The newspapers reported that the find was one of the main reasons the Government had decided to send the Marines to Afghanistan to fight al-Qeda and Taliban forces. The claim, carried by a number of newspapers yesterday, was denied emphatically last night by Pentagon and State Department sources. POSITION: globalsecurity.org/military/world/afghanistan/mili… (accessed 2003.08.21) positions the bombable Shahi Kot Camp and Cave Complex at N33°22': E69°11' (unspecified geodetic datum probably WGS84).eda and Taliban forces. The claim, carried by a number of newspapers yesterday, was denied emphatically last night by Pentagon and State Department sources. POSITION: globalsecurity.org/military/world/afghanistan/mili… (accessed 2003.08.21) positions the bombable Shahi Kot Camp and Cave Complex at N33°22': E69°11' (unspecified geodetic datum probably WGS84).
Bibliography 06/01/2018- Beaumont, Peter & Vulliamy, Ed 2002.03.24.
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
65.3 | SHUTAR GARDAN karst area | ||
70.5 | Zhawar Kalay [Kalai] [Kili] [Khel] | ||
80.1 | BURG, Sorkh Ab (Caves at) | ||
85.3 | SORKH AB 1 (Cave at) | ||
85.3 | SORKH AB 2 (Cave at) | ||
99.3 | SANG-e SURAKH GHAR, Muhhammad Agha | ||
101.0 | Sang-e Surakh, Muhhammad Agha | ||
112.7 | Rustam's Well [Puits de Rustam] |