(Tyuni - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/03/2016

No penetrable cave entrances were found for an underground conduit in an interstratal limestone which has been concluded from an unidentified, apparently seasonal stream (no name mentioned), which takes a subterranean course.»North East of Kanda village stream sinks into limestone cave [sic! qua: inaccessible conduit] in narrow band of limestone between slates emerging 7 furlongs [about 1408.18 m or so] distant in rise through scree at bottom of cliff in stream channel (waterfall in flood). Water does not follow line of nullah [note 1] but cuts across a bend underground in limestone. Probably runs full since nullah is plainly in full use during [deleted: flood] spates. No [deleted: caves] exit or inlet caves [i.e. cave entrances]. Another stream (according to [Survey of India sheet] 53-F/13) behaves similarly to Sili Gad (30°56' / 77°55')« (Glennie, E. A. 1942.10.05-19 Mss: Diary, 16th October 1942). SITUATION: In the apparently seasonal bed of an unidentified stream (no name mentioned) sinks at an unspecified distance north-east of »Kanda village« (note 2), which lies on the pony trail that runs from Budher Forest Rest House (note 3) generally north via »Kanasar« (note 4), »Bhadrauli« (note 5) and Kanda to »Tiuni« (note 6).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/03/2016

NOTE 1: nullah (Anglo-Indian), nala (Hindi), watercourse, not necessarily a dry watercourse, though this is perhaps more frequently indicated in the Anglo-Indian use (YULE & BURNELL 1886 / 1903: 632), ravine, watercourse, drain (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, 25: xxi), ditch or small stream (LONELY PLANET, India 1990: 912; 1993: 1074; 1997: 1145; 2001: 1063; 2005: 1110; 2009: 1212; LONELY PLANET, Northeast India 2009: 361). NOTE 2: Kanda 30°54'N: 77°50'E (nima.mil/geonames accessed 16.11.2003). NOTE 3: Budher Forest Rest House (30°45'45”N: 77°47'20”E: 2524 m Everest 1830, S.I. Forest Map 4 Inch to 1 Mile sheet: 53-F/13 S2 edition ca. 1940). NOTE 4: Glennie narrates to have started on 13th October 1942 »betimes from Bodhyar [Budher Forest Rest House (30°45'45”N: 77°47'20”E Everest 1830] for Bhadrauli F R H via Kanasar, lunch at Kanasar + then on. Road wound through forest, after some time found tree across road in difficult place for mules and it became evident that the road was out of use. Hoped that mules would take the other road and assumed they would since tha Tahsil Chraprassi was with them, who ought to know« (Glennie, E A 1942.10.05-19 Mss: Diary). pandeyji.com (accessed 2012.01.27) teaches us that »from Koti Kanasar, one can go on a 2 1/2hr trek to "Buder Gupha" or a 3 hr trek to Deo Van« a.k.a. Deoban F.R.H. near 30°44'50”N: 77°52'02”E (Everest 1830, Jangpangi et al. 1979: 1): 2844 m or 9331 feet (AMS sheet NH43-08 Ambala, U502 series, 1959 edition). NOTE 5: Bhadrauli (Glennie, E. A. 1942.10.05-19 Mss "Diary" 13th October), one day from Budher (30°45'45”N: 77°47'20”E: Everest 1830). NOTE 6: Tiuni (30°56'30”N: 77°51'00”E) or »Tiuni« (Glennie, E A 1942.10.05-19 Mss "Diary" 13th October) and »Tuni« (pandeyji.com accessed 2012.01.27) or »Tuni« (Kotlia 2005.11.08 Mss: Notebook) or is not only positioned as »Tiuni« near 30°57'N: 77°51'E (nima.mil/geonames accessed 16.11.2003) but also near 30°56'30”N: 77°51'E (most likely Everest 1830, AA - unknown author 1944.06.07 Mss: Letter to Glennie, E A) and indicated both on AMS sheet NH44-08 Ambala (U502 series 1959 edition) and the India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 6 B4) at a spot which lies 69 km along the road (India Road Atlas (Eicher Goodearth 2006: 6 B4) and 27 km in a direct line due north of Chakrata (30°42'N: 77°51'E), just within Uttarkashi district, and in the area where the Pabar (also: Pabbar River) joins the Tons from the northwest.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1842.10.16: Edward Aubrey Glennie (1942.10.05-19 Mss: Diary, 16th October 1942) noticed and recorded that an unidentified stream (no name mentioned) sinks at an unspecified distance north-east of »Kanda village« into an interstratal »narrow band of limestone between slates« to rise again at an unspecified distance of »7 furlongs« (about 1.4 km either along a winding route or in a direct line) in an unidentified direction but no enterable cave entrances were found -- neither at the sink (insurgence) nor at the rising (resurgence). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 24/03/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
4.9THADIAR (Cave at)
12.5DEOTI, Tadhiar (Cave at)
12.6Konain Vast Pothole
12.6Konain Sink
12.6Konain Fissure