YEJI (Hapka 2010) (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

One out of the five known cave entrances to Krem Yeji is about 10 m wide and 1 m high, was understood to face not only north-east (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji) but also south-west (ARBENZ, T 2012: 246), and is one of several cave entrances on western side which are followed to entrance canyon (Densham, C undated February 2010 Mss: [deleted: Kopili] Krem Yeji) and gives access to a subterranean estuary (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18; Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Yejiplan.pdf). EVALUATION 2010 undated: Resurgence just above Kopili river bed (Densham, C undated February 2010 Mss: [deleted: Kopili] Krem Yeji). EVALUATION 2010.02.14: Resurgence cave (Krem Yeji) … doline, entrance 5x5 m, water (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 14th February). EVALUATION 2011: Seasonal exsurgence into the Kopili River (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji) in the sense of a spring of water. ETYMOLOGY: The origin and meaning of th recorded cave names Krem Yeji and Krem Yedi was understood to be best ignored and makes little sense (note 1). Over the years, to following recorded cave names are the following: Krem Yeji Arbenz, T (2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji) Krem Yedi (note 2) Brooks, S J et al (2010.03.29 Mss: Survey summary.xls); Arbenz, T in: anonymous Arbenz, T (2013.08.07 Mss: Meghalaya Expedition 2013 Diary: 11th February, Monday) Krem Yeji Arbenz, T in: anonymous Arbenz, T (2013.08.07 Mss: Meghalaya Expedition 2013 Diary: 11th February, Monday). IDENTITY: Little doubt remains that the Krem Yedi surveyed on 15th February (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc) is the same as the 56 m long Krem Yeji surveyed 15.02.2010 CM, BH, Vijay, Pankaj (Brooks et al 2010.03.29 Mss: Survey summary.xls) and the 56.14 m long Krem Yeji recorded by Arbenz, T (2010.04.18 Mss: Pala positions.xlsx), Arbenz, T (2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji) and ARBENZ, T (2012: 26). SITUATION 2010a: Arbenz, T (2010.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf) indicates Krem Yeji 741 m Hapka 2010 near N25°24'56”: E092°36'15.5” (WGS84) and Krem Yaje 748 m Audsley 2010 near N25°24'50”: E092°36'04- (WGS84) at locations above the orographically left (locally south-west) bank of the Kopili River and on an interfluve flanked in the north-west by a stream named Wah Iji (N25°25'14”: E092°36'16” WGS84) and south-east from the western branch of the Phud Lymoh (N25°24'48”: E092°36'24” WGS84). SITUATION 2010b: Not only the cave entrance but the entire Krem Yeji was said to lie at an estimated walking distance of 2.5 km upstream (generally south-east) of a so-called Krem Labbit Kseh canyon (note 3) and next the Kopili river. Good possibility to set a camp near the Kopili river because there is Possibility to drive there with a jeep (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 14th February). APPROACH 2010: From church in Kseh follow trac to Samasi. At jct N25°25'59” E92°35'31.5” [note 4] turn E & follow trackes it curves South. At jct N25°24'45.9”: E92°35'47.2” turn east towards Kopili river. At N25°24'46.7”: E92°36'21.2” follow vague path until north of entrance 25°24'53.8”: E92°36'12.8” (another jct) which is best approached from Eastern side (Densham, C undated February 2010 Mss: [deleted: Kopili] Krem Yeji). APPROACH 2011: From the church in Kseh follow the road towards Pala. At junction N25°25’05.9”: E92°35’31.5” turn east and follow a track that turns south. At junction N25°24’45.9”: E92°35’47.2” turn east towards the Kopili river. At N25°24’46.7”: E92°36’21.2” follow a vague path to a position N25°24’53.3”: E92°36’12.8” to the N-Entrance which is best approached from the eastern side (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). APPROACH 2013: Thomas Arbenz and David -Cookie- Cooke set up a party in view of undertaking an expedition … to locate Krem Yedi. The coordinates of N5o24’56.0” / E92o36’15.5” read from the map were accurate (Arbenz, T in: anonymous Arbenz, T 2013.08.07 Mss: Meghalaya Expedition 2013 Diary: 11th February, Monday). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010a: An estimated 10 m wide [and about] 1 m high [cave] entrance [faces an unidentified direction and] enters walking passage passing entrances on western side which are followed to entrance canyon. Streamway enters from sumped [cave] passage at Southern end of canyon (Densham, C undated February 2010 Mss: [deleted: Kopili] Krem Yeji). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010b: Krem Yeji … Doline, entrance 5 m by 5 m, water (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 14th February). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2010c: Krem Yedi … Approx. 50 m to a sump (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 15th February). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2011: Krem Yeji -- Seasonal exsurgence into the Kopili River. The main entrance is 10 m wide by 1 m high facing North-East [sic!]. The passage is of walking size leading towardsSW. There are two side entrances from in the NW-wall leading in from a long doline to the NW of the cave. The main passage turns 90° to NW after about 40 m, exiting into the same doline. The doline itself has a pond under an overhang (ladies bathing pond) with a sump that could be diveable (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2012: Krem Yeji -- Seasonal exsurgence into Kopili River. The passage is of walking size leading towards SW [sic!]. There are two side entrances from in the NW-wall leading in from a long doline to the the NW of the cave. The main passage turns 90° to NW after about 40 m, exiting into the same doline. The doline itseld has a pond under an overhang (ladies bathing pond) with a sump that could be diveable (ARBENZ, T 2012: 246). CAVE DESCRIPTION 2013: The cave sumps immediately. A small stream was flowing from the sump (Arbenz, T in: anonymous Arbenz, T 2013.08.07 Mss: Meghalaya Expedition 2013 Diary: 11th February, Monda). CAVE CONTENTS: Unspecified speleothems identified as some calcite formations (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). PROSPECTS 2010: Good prospects but full diving kit would be required (Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). At a closer look, however, even an empty diving kit is good enough to impress onlookers. PROSPECTS 2011: Sump to dive – possible cave beyond (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: Fishing ground: Unidentified inhabitants told Brian D. Kharpran Daly (2010.02.14) that people go fishing in all three caves viz. Krem –>Enle, Krem –>Lymmoh or Krem –>Lymoh, and Krem –>Yeji. CULTURAL HISTORY 2010 - human use: Inexplicable circumstances render this cave a Ladies’ bathing pond (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). CAVE LIFE: According to unidentified underground or aboveground inhabitants (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010doc: 14th February) there are fish (Pisces) in all [or, more likely, in each of the] three caves referred to as Krem –>Enle, Krem –>Lymoh, and Krem Yeji. Somebody else noticed the presence of spiders, tadpoles, lianas and roots (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji).). CAVE CONTENTS: Unspecified speleothems identified as some calcite formations (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). PROSPECTS 2010: Good prospects but full diving kit would be required (Anonymous et al. (2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). At a closer look, however, even an empty diving kit is good enough to impress onlookers. PROSPECTS 2011: Sump to dive – possible cave beyond (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). CULTURAL HISTORY - human use: Fishing ground: Unidentified inhabitants told Brian D. Kharpran Daly (2010.02.14) that people go fishing in all three caves viz. Krem –>Enle, Krem –>Lymmoh or Krem –>Lymoh, and Krem –>Yeji. CULTURAL HISTORY 2010 - human use: Inexplicable circumstances render this cave a Ladies’ bathing pond (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji). CAVE LIFE: According to unidentified underground or aboveground inhabitants (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010doc: 14th February) there are fish (Pisces) in all [or, more likely, in each of the] three caves referred to as Krem –>Enle, Krem –>Lymoh, and Krem Yeji. Somebody else noticed the presence of spiders, tadpoles, lianas and roots (Arbenz, T 2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.14, trip 1: Roman Hapka, Brian D. Kharpran Daly and Peter Ludwig found a … Krem Yeji … next the Kopili river … (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). Arbenz, T (2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji) opines that 14th Feb 2010: R.Hapka located the cave (all on his own?). 2010.02.15, trip 2: Christopher 'Chris' Densham, Bridget E. Hall, Cdr. Vijay Chhikara (Commander, Indian Navy) and Pankaj Rai, however, went to Krem Yedi [sic!], surveyed it for approx. 50 m to a sump with good prospects but full diving kit would be required (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc). Brooks, Simon J et al (2010.03.29 Mss: Survey summary.xls) confirm that the 56.14 m long Krem Yeji was surveyed 15.02.2010 CM, BH, Vijay, Pankaj. Arbenz, T (2011.10.18 Mss ”Chris Densham 2010.02.15” Krem Yeji) confirms 15th Feb 2010: C.Densham, B.Hall, V.Chhikara, P.Rai surveyed the cave. 2013.02.11, trip 3, Monday: Thomas Arbenz and Davd 'Cookie' Cooke set up a party in view of undertaking an expedition to the cave entrances and dark areas of Krem Yaje, Krem YejiKrem Yaje was located first … The party then proceeded to locate Krem Yedi. The coordinates … read from the map were accurate. The cave sumps immediately (Arbenz, T in: anonymous Arbenz, T 2013.08.07 Mss: Meghalaya Expedition 2013 Diary: 11th February, Monday). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0YEDI (Cooke 2013) (Krem)
0.3YAJE (Krem)
0.5Lymoh, lower: Doline (Krem)
0.5LYMOH, lower: Inlet
0.6LYMOH, lower: Open Crack
0.7MOOLIER, Lymoh, 1st (Krem)
0.7MOOLIER, Lymoh, 2nd (Krem)
0.7LYMOH, lower: Pothole 12 m (Krem)