Tham Hen Mee [KA0510]

Length 197m Depth 27m
Grottocenter / carte


This is a dry, fossil upper level to the Tham Nok Nang En system between the 5th and 6th karst windows. Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019


Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019

From the lower entrance in the 6th karst window a large fossil passage heads north. After 150m there is a pitch, estimated to be 50m deep, that probably connects with the underlying Tham Nok Nang En 3. The final 40m of passage to the upper entrance in the 5th karst window involves a dangerous traverse along the eastern wall. In 1999 a fixed rope of unknown vintage had been installed here.


Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019

Dean Smart March 1999 - Grade UISv2 3-3-A


The cave was surveyed by Dean Smart on 11 March 1999. Martin Ellis - 26/09/2019

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Nok Nang En 4 (Tham) [KA0175]800
0.1Nok Nang En 3 (Tham) [KA0174]1500
0.2Yai (Tham) [KA0176]5000
0.4Nok Nang En 2 (Tham) [KA0173]2500
0.6Bivouac Cave [Grotte de Bivouac] [KA0171]200
0.6Tham Nok Nang En - KA0172323025
2.0Tham Nam - KA01775577
2.3Cave KA0509182
3.2Tham Towat - KA0356425