Holqa Lucho 4

(East Harerghe - ET)
Length 20m Depth 5m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 26/12/2019

A small entrance, blocked by boulders to quite pretty small boulder strewn chambers connected by awkward squeezes and crawls.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Lucho 5 (Holqa)5-2
0.1Lucho 3 (Holqa)153
0.3Holqa Lucho 2235
0.3Lucho 1 (Holqa)388
0.8Holqa Dima 7367
0.9Dima 5 (Holqa)00
1.0Holqa Dima 2 [Holqa Odaa]9722
1.1Holqa Dima 3 [Holqa Abdi]1287
1.2Dima 6 (Holqa)306