AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 23

(Pahalgam - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

PA23: group of karst springs, Q about 200-400 L/s, from limestone (base of cliff), vertical bedding planes, no conduit visible. Coordinates: N34.12411 E75.45144. SITUATION: In valley bottom, south of PA23, springs from Quaternary, may be karst water coming from limestone in the East (Perrin 2009.08.20 Mss).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2009.07.26 - 08.07: Jerome Perrin (2009.08.20 Mss) recorded a stream (no name mentioned) rising from limestone. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.5AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 24
1.8AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 15
2.1AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 08
2.8AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 14
3.3AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 21
3.4AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 10
3.4AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 17
3.5AA (PERRIN 2009) PA 18
3.5Aa (Perrin 2009) [PA 07]