Thour Clefts

(Pachhad - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Several deep black clefts (FRASER 1820: 109). SITUATION: North of the river Girree or Giri (note 1), in slate (note 2). APPROACH: 1815 May 7th: We arrived at the banks of the Girree at about two o'clock, but after a rest of near two hours we proceeded upwards along its course for several miles; and fording it, reached our encamping ground at a village called Thour, by six o'clock. It is situated at the upper part of a piece of ground nearly level, of from thirty to forty acres ; and having a view of the course of the Girree, and being embellished with many fine large trees, and much copsewood. It may be considered a very pleasant spot. The march of to-day, we were informed, may somewhat exceed eleven miles [note 3]. I should have thought it more, but it led through scenery which would have made greater fatigue light. 1815 May 8th: We resumed our march … and began to ascend, somewhat gradually, a hollow behind the village; which by degrees led us to the crest of the heights above i, and we passed several deep black clefts on our way to the top of the ridge (FRASER 1820: 109)., and we passed several deep black clefts on our way to the top of the ridge (FRASER 1820: 109).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1815.05.08: James Bailie Fraser (1783 June 11 -- 1856 January, the 15th Laird of Reelig in the county of Inverness) and his brother Mr. William Fraser (then Political Agent for the army of Major-General Martindale) passed on May 8th (1815) by several deep black clefts (FRASER, J B 1820: 109). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Thour Recess
21.8SOLAN, Happy Valley (Cave near)
25.9PANDAVA CAVE, Karool Tibba
40.1GAMBHAR BRIDGE (Cave near)