Ko Ma Submarine Cave [KR0212]

Length 50m Depth 19m
Grottocenter / carte


Off Ko Ha. The cave has several entrances at depths of -5m to -19m. Martin Ellis - 05/11/2019


Martin Ellis - 05/11/2019

The cave has at least two entrances, one at -5 m and another at -19 m. The -19 m entrance enters a pasage that is 15 m in diameter that surafces into two enclosed lake chambers. There is another way out from these lakes. The lake chambers are about 12 m across and the decorated roof is 20 m overhead. Daylight filters up into the chambers from the submerged entrances.


Bibliography 05/11/2019
  • BROOKS, SIMON (2010) "Sun, Sea and Speleology" Descent No. 216 p29 NATIONAL PARK OFFICE (2006) "National Parks in Thailand" National park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, Bangkok 280pp WANGKAHAT, SUPORN (2002) "Man Drowns in Undersea Cave" The Nation 11 April 2002


American diver Dr Jeffrey Scott (48) drowned in the cave on 25 March 2002. Martin Ellis - 05/11/2019

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