A single, man-made rock chamber with inscriptions (reproduced in KITTOE, M 1847a on plate IX no. 5), a vaulted ceiling, about 5 m wide, 11 m long and up to 3.5 m high (STRASSER, R 1991: 191; ground plan, section in KITTOE, M 1847a: 406-407 plate VIII figure 5). ETYMOLOGY: Curram Choffar »Were any other testimony, besides the inscriptions, wanted, to shew that these caves were religious temples, the remains of three defaced images near another, which I visited, called Curram Choffar, would be sufficient proof of it« (HARINGTON 1799, 5th edition 1806: 278). Currumshaw The cluster of hills called »Currumshaw Hills« (RENNEL a.i.: Bengal Atlas) is a corruption of »Karma champar« or 'Karma's Seat', the name of an ancient ruin on the hill (IMPERIAL GAZETTEER 1907-1909, 6: 425). Karan Chaupar STRASSER, R (1991: 191) Karan Chopar travel.indiamart.com/bihar/caves/barabar-caves.htm… (accessed 2002) Karma champar IMPERIAL GAZETTEER (1907-1909, 6: 425): »Karma's Seat« Karna Chapura FERGUSSON, J (1846: 39) Karna Chopra BALFOUR (1885 edited 1967, 1: 611)Kurun Chowpar KITTOE, M (1847a: 406-407, plan and section plate VIII figure 5: ground plan, section; plate IX no. 5: inscription). SITUATION: In the northern flank of the Barabar range. CAVE DESCRIPTION 1937: The 4th cave of the Barabar group consists of chambers and is unfinished (LAW 1937, 1974: 195). CAVE DESCRIPTION 1991: »Karan Chaupar« is one chamber (11 x 5 x 3.5 m) opposite of Siddheshvara, the highest peak of the Barabar range (STRASSER, R 1991: 191). CAVE DESCRIPTION s.a: »Karan Chopar, a single-chamber-structure with a vaulted roof and simple opening in the rock face … was chiseled in the 19th regal year of Ashoka. Early inscription refer it as Supriya Cave [note 1] while later inscriptions call it with various names like Bodhimula (The root of intelligence), Daridra Kandara (the cave of the poor) etc.« (travel.indiamart.com/bihar/caves/barabar-caves.htm… accessed 2002).
NOTE 1: "supriya" (adjective, Sanskrit) pleasant; giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment; friendly and considerate, likable. Some synonyms: enjoyable, pleasurable, nice, agreeable, pleasing, satisfying, gratifying, good; entertaining, amusing, delightful, charming; fine, balmy; [informal] lovely, great.
Bibliography 30/03/2016History
EXPLORATION HISTORY: -245: Excavated in year 19 of emperor Ashoka's reign.1790: Visited by John Herbert HARINGTON (1799, 5th ed 1805: 278). 1847: Lieutenant Markham KITTOE (1847a: 406-407) »… was obliged to pass the night in this chamber with a bundle of rice straw for my bedding and covering, and although the wind was very high and cold, the temperature within was not so unbearable as to prevent my enjoying a good night#s rest; the bears having been graciously pleased to forego their visits, as I kept a candle burning which I had accidentally brought with me.«
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.0 | GOPI KUBHA | ||
0.0 | PATALA GANGA, Barabar: Nagarjuni | ||
0.0 | SUDAMA KUBHA | ||
11.6 | Yoni Dvara, Gaya | ||
13.1 | Jayachchandra Cave | ||
17.4 | PRAGBODHI CAVE, Kiryama: Dhongra Pahar |