Achere Cave

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 3830m
Grottocenter / carte


(West Harrar, Mechara) Co-ordinates UTM 37P 0651075 0951801. Alt. 1,534 m. BTH - 23/11/2024



GS Vulcains - 22/12/2019

A complex maze cave with several small entrances at the base of a low cliff and a large upper entrance in a bench at the top of the cliff. Explored by Huddersfield Univ. Caving Club.

General description

Michael Laumanns - 29/11/2015

Developed in Jurassic Antalo limestone. The cave is a maze of rift passages running parallel to the outside rock face, filled with breakdown, bat guano and, above all, masses of dust. The sediment sequences are of scientific interest. Predominantly horizontal. Achere Cave is located very near to Aynage Cave. Both caves have the same character and appear to be part of a single system separated just by a 30 m long dig. However, a connection has not been established yet. Surveyed in 1995/1996 by the Huddersfield University Caving Club (Gunn & Brown 1996 and 1997; Williams 1996). Survey according to Gunn & Brown (1997).

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.2White Tree Cave285
0.3Lencha (Goda)
0.3Goddalencha [Lion Cave]50-5
0.5Wart Hog Pot40-40
0.6Ayanage Cave3308
0.7Rukiessa (Holqa)1071-72
0.9Holka Rukiessa 2
0.9Adaangur (Holka) [Adaanguv]3414
1.6Holka Rukiessa 3