Holqa Abba Bichowo Khalaf

(West Harerghe - ET)
Length 10m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 22/12/2019

A large and obvious entrance on a ledge above the resurgence leads only to a small tight passage which is blocked after 10m

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Holka Abba Bichowo 27-2
0.0Holka Abba Bichowo 400
0.1Holqa Abba Bichowo 38-3
0.5Naniga (Goda)120
0.6Leenchaa (Goda)7-2
0.9Suker 5 (Enkuftu)2323
0.9Suker 4 (Enkuftu)94
0.9Suker 1 (Enkuftu)1010
1.0Suker 3 (Enkuftu)