LAKHON, Umtapu, 2nd (Krem)

(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions, unidentified orientation, unidentified characteristics) represents rather a cavelet than a cavity which was not penetrable (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 4th February 2015 Wednesday). ETYMOLOGY: No locally known name has been identified for the small cave near Krem Lakhon on the Umtapu. Apparently by mistake it was confused with Krem Siej, Umtapu, on 4th February 2015 by one Aram Tangliang, a wood cutter (Anonymous 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 4th February 2015 Wednesday). What was probably the same cave and was referred to as second cave visited nearby was eventually christened by expedition cavers on 5th February 2015 Krem Thyngheng 2 … for lack of a known name (Anonymous 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 5th February 2015 Thurssday). SITUATION: In [an unidentified] the valley [note 1]with the limestone outcrops on the right hand side [without orientation] just befor reaching the climb to Krem Lakhon (Anonymous 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 4th February 2015 Wednesday). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Barely a cave … extended to three metres vertically with no way on (Anonymous 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 5th February 2015 Thurssday). reaching the climb to Krem Lakhon (Anonymous 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 4th February 2015 Wednesday). CAVE DESCRIPTION: Barely a cave … extended to three metres vertically with no way on (Anonymous 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 5th February 2015 Thurssday).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2015.02.04, trip 1: Guided by Daphyrnai Sariang from Umkyrpong (or so), Brian D. Kharpran Daly and the unidentified Scorpio driver called Ker [no full name recognised] met Aram Tangliang, a wood cutter, who led them to … Krem Siej in the vicinity of Krem Lakhon … but on the way back they met Aram’s nephew who informed them that Krem Siej is in fact higher up the slope from the cavity they were shown (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.03 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 4th February 2015 Wednesday). 2015.02.05, trip 2: Ker AA (note 2), Peter Ludwig, Fraser E Simpson, Richa Jain and Ruben Cashler or Peter, Fraser, Richa, Ruben and Ker went out to explore the three caves that had been located by Brian, Ker and their local guide [Daphyrnai Sariang assisted by Aram Tangliang's nephew] the previous day. … The second cave visited nearby was barely a cave and the team called it Krem Thyngheng 2 for lack of a known name (Anonymous [Arbenz T, Brooks S J et al.] 2015.04.3 Mss: Diary 2015.docx 5th February 2015 Thursday). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0AA DOLINE, Lakasein, 1st
0.0AA DOLINE, Lakasein, 2nd
0.0SIEJ, Umtapu (Krem)
0.0LAKHON, Umtapu, 3rd (Krem)
1.0LAKHON, Mooriap (Krem)
1.3MOOLADIANG FOREST, Lakasein (Cave-like hole inside the)
1.9TYNGHENG, Umtapu (Krem)