(Saipung - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

No autochthonous, indigenous or locally known name has been identified (note 1) for an unidentified stream or relatively small river with an unidentified size, discharge, or name, which rises from an estimated 4 m by 4 large and somewhat canyon-shaped (sic!) river outlet (Hapka 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) or cave entrance (facing an unidentified direction) giving access to a repeatedly entered but speleologically unexplored cave where immigrant sports cavers were repelled by the sight of more than wellies deep water while people familiar with the area are going in for around 500 m to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho). ETYMOLOGY: Without any doubt, the recorded cave name Krem Kandacho is either plain nonsense (there exists no Khasi word reminiscent of -kandacho- or so) or simply a Pseudokhasi corruption of a Hmar (note 2) or Paihte (note 3) version of a Mizo cave name composed of -khur- (note 4) instead of the Khasi -krem- along with -kan- (note 5), -kang- (note 6),-khan- (note 7) or -khang- (note 8) along with one or two other words recorded as -dacho- (not identified). SITUATION: At an unknown location somewhere between the locally southern or western (orographically left) bank of the Kopili River and the village of Moo Knor (note 9), renamed from Maw Khamar, corrupted into Um Kanar (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho), which, in February 2010, was found to lie at a travelling distance of 1h30 from the village of Umkyrpong (note 10) generally south or south-east along the State Road ODR 456 and short of (in February 2010 about one hour by car generally north of) the village of Saipung (note 11). POSITION - ATTENTION: The GPS position (note 12) recorded by Roman Hapka for the entrance to Kandacho Cave is not only misleading but also obviously false and clearly senseless (note 13). APPROACH: Hapka, R (2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) commands: Go down the dirt road heading East from the village of Um Kanar [sic! qua: Khahnar, St. Joseph 25°23$$08.3”N: 92°36'08.4”E]. Follow the right road [note 14] along the ridge [with unidentified name] down towards a bigger house [without identified function, size, or GPS position] with a concrete dam [without identified function, size, or GPS position] and a canyon [without identified name] about 10 m or 15 m. Where the road crosses the canyon [without identified GPS position] stop … being passively driven around and commence walking on your own. The entrance to the cave is 50 m from there without identified direction and, alternatively, at a distance covered by a 10 minutes walk without direction from an unspecified spot (without GPS position) on the Kopili River. CULTURAL HISTORY - bat hunting ground: Unidentified our guides (no names mentioned: private property?) from the village of Um Kanar [Khahnar] say they are going in [more likely: into the cave] to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) for a source of food. CAVE LIFE: Since people familiar with the area are said o hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) in this cave, one can expect the mouth-watering presence or an abstemious absence of edible bats (Chiroptera).$08.3”N: 92°36'08.4”E]. Follow the right road [note 14] along the ridge [with unidentified name] down towards a bigger house [without identified function, size, or GPS position] with a concrete dam [without identified function, size, or GPS position] and a canyon [without identified name] about 10 m or 15 m. Where the road crosses the canyon [without identified GPS position] stop … being passively driven around and commence walking on your own. The entrance to the cave is 50 m from there without identified direction and, alternatively, at a distance covered by a 10 minutes walk without direction from an unspecified spot (without GPS position) on the Kopili River. CULTURAL HISTORY - bat hunting ground: Unidentified our guides (no names mentioned: private property?) from the village of Um Kanar [Khahnar] say they are going in [more likely: into the cave] to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) for a source of food. CAVE LIFE: Since people familiar with the area are said $08.3”N: 92°36'08.4”E]. Follow the right road [note 14] along the ridge [with unidentified name] down towards a bigger house [without identified function, size, or GPS position] with a concrete dam [without identified function, size, or GPS position] and a canyon [without identified name] about 10 m or 15 m. Where the road crosses the canyon [without identified GPS position] stop … being passively driven around and commence walking on your own. The entrance to the cave is 50 m from there without identified direction and, alternatively, at a distance covered by a 10 minutes walk without direction from an unspecified spot (without GPS position) on the Kopili River. CULTURAL HISTORY - bat hunting ground: Unidentified our guides (no names mentioned: private property?) from the village of Um Kanar [Khahnar] say they are going in [more likely: into the cave] to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) for a source of food. CAVE LIFE: Since people familiar with the area are said $08.3”N: 92°36'08.4”E]. Follow the right road [note 14] along the ridge [with unidentified name] down towards a bigger house [without identified function, size, or GPS position] with a concrete dam [without identified function, size, or GPS position] and a canyon [without identified name] about 10 m or 15 m. Where the road crosses the canyon [without identified GPS position] stop … being passively driven around and commence walking on your own. The entrance to the cave is 50 m from there without identified direction and, alternatively, at a distance covered by a 10 minutes walk without direction from an unspecified spot (without GPS position) on the Kopili River. CULTURAL HISTORY - bat hunting ground: Unidentified our guides (no names mentioned: private property?) from the village of Um Kanar [Khahnar] say they are going in [more likely: into the cave] to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) for a source of food. CAVE LIFE: Since people familiar with the area are said $08.3”N: 92°36'08.4”E]. Follow the right road [note 14] along the ridge [with unidentified name] down towards a bigger house [without identified function, size, or GPS position] with a concrete dam [without identified function, size, or GPS position] and a canyon [without identified name] about 10 m or 15 m. Where the road crosses the canyon [without identified GPS position] stop … being passively driven around and commence walking on your own. The entrance to the cave is 50 m from there without identified direction and, alternatively, at a distance covered by a 10 minutes walk without direction from an unspecified spot (without GPS position) on the Kopili River. CULTURAL HISTORY - bat hunting ground: Unidentified our guides (no names mentioned: private property?) from the village of Um Kanar [Khahnar] say they are going in [more likely: into the cave] to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) for a source of food. CAVE LIFE: Since people familiar with the area are said $08.3”N: 92°36'08.4”E]. Follow the right road [note 14] along the ridge [with unidentified name] down towards a bigger house [without identified function, size, or GPS position] with a concrete dam [without identified function, size, or GPS position] and a canyon [without identified name] about 10 m or 15 m. Where the road crosses the canyon [without identified GPS position] stop … being passively driven around and commence walking on your own. The entrance to the cave is 50 m from there without identified direction and, alternatively, at a distance covered by a 10 minutes walk without direction from an unspecified spot (without GPS position) on the Kopili River. CULTURAL HISTORY - bat hunting ground: Unidentified our guides (no names mentioned: private property?) from the village of Um Kanar [Khahnar] say they are going in [more likely: into the cave] to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) for a source of food. CAVE LIFE: Since people familiar with the area are said $08.3”N: 92°36'08.4”E]. Follow the right road [note 14] along the ridge [with unidentified name] down towards a bigger house [without identified function, size, or GPS position] with a concrete dam [without identified function, size, or GPS position] and a canyon [without identified name] about 10 m or 15 m. Where the road crosses the canyon [without identified GPS position] stop … being passively driven around and commence walking on your own. The entrance to the cave is 50 m from there without identified direction and, alternatively, at a distance covered by a 10 minutes walk without direction from an unspecified spot (without GPS position) on the Kopili River. CULTURAL HISTORY - bat hunting ground: Unidentified our guides (no names mentioned: private property?) from the village of Um Kanar [Khahnar] say they are going in [more likely: into the cave] to hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) for a source of food. CAVE LIFE: Since people familiar with the area are said o hunt bats (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) in this cave, one can expect the mouth-watering presence or an abstemious absence of edible bats (Chiroptera).


Bibliography 06/01/2018


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 2010.02.17: Out of the immigrant cavers concentrated in February 2010 at a main camp (N25°26'12”: E092°34'43” WGS84, Arbenz, T 2010.03.31 cave distribution map: Pala_Ridge_4-10.pdf) on the outskirts of the village of Umkyrpong, it were Roman Hapka and the Indian marine Wikrant (Hapka, R 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho) or Vikrant Shukla (note 15), who were transported (no driver mentioned) with bottled beer sufficient for many more people to reconnoitre for two days the karst and cave potential in the vicinity of the village of Moo Knor (renamed from Maw Khamar), the corrupted Um Kanar (Hapka 2010.02.18 Mss: Krem Kandacho), on the road to Saipung (N25°20'17.4”: E092°37'11.7”: 1061 m asl, WGS84, T Arbenz, T 2010.04.28 personal correspondence). On this occasion, two unacknowledged young farmers (no names mentioned) from the village of Um Kanar (sic! qua: either Khahnar or Moo Knor) helped the model immigrant Roman Hapka and the Indian marine Vikrant Shukla (Annymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 18th February) to reach places where they were led to believe seeing three interesting caves entrances: Krem Kandacho (river outlet) 10 minutes walk from the Kopili river, Suna Krem (river outlet) direct on the Kopili river and Krem Chaklo (double doline, small river inlet) near the ridge or spur (?) with an unidentified name. Within 24 hours, however, the drunkards in the function of representative envoys established a stunningly counter-productive impression on the visited abstainers, which soon lead to a result were simply No other caves where noticed in the area (Anonymous et al. 2010.03.29 Mss: Diary (current) 2010.doc: 18th February). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 06/01/2018

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.4SARONG, Saipong, Saipung (Caves near)
1.6KHALANG (Krem)
3.8AA CAVE (Doyle 2013), 2nd
3.8AA CAVE (Doyle 2013), 1st
4.0Wind Cave
4.0Khla, Moo Knor (Krem)
4.0SLAJAT (Krem)