Goonde N°1

(Buzi - MZ)
Length 164m Depth 12m
Grottocenter / carte


Mutanda zone, Buzi district, Sofala province. GPS (WGS84) S 19°57'37, I " / E 34°0735,8" ca. 80 m asl. Surveyed on 29 Aug 1999 by Artur Fernandes, Michael Laumanns and Jens Römer (BCRA-Grade 4b). Length: 164,00 m. Vertical range: -12,00 m. ml Where the road along the E boundary of the karst occurrence meets the old Portuguese road along the Buzi river one has to turn to the right (W). After some hundred metres a small concrete bridge has to be crossed and about 500 m ahead a village is reached where the car can be parked. Further progress on the old road is possible only by foot because the next bridge is not in state any more. One has to walk first to the W for about 1 km using a footpath. When a path crossing is reached turn to the right (N) and ascend the plateau where the path changes into an abandoned old road. This road has to be followed for about 400 m. The cave entrance is situated left in a distance of approximately 100 m from the road. Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015


Michael Laumanns - 28/11/2015

The entrance of Goonde No. 1 is a 4 m wide and 10 m deep roof collapse (free hanging rope/ladder) of a huge subterranean passage (8-9 m wide, 7-10 m high). Many solution pockets on the ceiling prove a phreatic speleogenesis of the cave. The main passage has a N-S direction. A lateral parallel passage can be entered near the entrance pit. It is partly very low but can be mastered by crawling. A few bats (Nycteris sp.) with long ears are living in this side passage. To the N the main gallery ends in a low crawl with some nice calcite formations. To the S the main gallery turns to SE direction and continues in a low bedding plane of phreatic origin. In the far SE extension the character of the passages turns into rifts. Two levels of passages were noted in this section of the cave. Considerable conglomerate fillings of the cave passages are present especially in the main gallery near the entrance pothole. An air temperature of 20.3°C was measured.

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