UMDA 2 (Krem)

(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 25/06/2016

A relatively low and wide cave entrance (8 m wide, 0.4 m high) and spring of water faces south-east and gives access to about 150 m of spacious walking passage (10 m wide, 8 m high) below meandering ceiling channels. The accessible part of the upstream part leads past two collapse entrances to a boulder choke where the inaccessible part of the cave commences to continue. SITUATION: An estimated 100 m in a direct line approximately north from the insurgence cave entrance to Krem –>Umda 1 - Umso. APPROACH: Enter the cave entrance to Krem –>Umso (exsurgence), traverse underground upstream to the cave entrance of Krem –>Umda (insurgence), and keep on going generally north by following the 4 m wide and sandy streambed of the Wah Umda.


Bibliography 25/06/2016


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 22.01.1998: "Kaimen H. Passah" (Kyrmen 'Hope' C Hiwot Passah) and members of the Jaintia Adventurers' Association, Jowai, are said to have visited the visited »Krem Umda nos. 1-2« (GOGOI , N 1998). 1999.02.16: Speding Dkhar from Thangskai (25°11'45”N: 92°22'35“E) guided Adora Thabah, Andrew "Andy" Peter Tyler, H. Daniel Gebauer and Fraser E. Simpson to the cave entrance. 1999.02.17: H. D. Gebauer, F. Simpson, A. Thabah and A. P Tyler surveyed, mapped and thereby explored. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 25/06/2016

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