(Pynursla - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

An unspecified cave entrance (unidentified shape, unidentified dimensions) gives access to a cave and pothole where a shaft or pitch descends 14 m vertically down into some 6 m of horizontal cave passage. ETYMOLOGY: The Khasi verb ”wah” means »to suspend, to hang« but the noun ”ka wah” is the word for »a stream, a river« (SINGH, N 1906: 244) and the Khasi ”(ka kur) Synrem” is the name of »a clan in the Cherra State« (GURDON 1906: 217 no. 92) but "u synrem" signifies »a kind of stinging nettle« (SINGH, N 1906: 217) and "u dieng synrem" (botanically: Dendrocnide sinuata Jungh 1851: 29) is the name of a shrub with branches greenish white, clothed with stinging hairs; leaves 15-35 x 7-15 cm, ovate, broadly elliptic, acuminate, base rounded or cordate, upper half usually crenate or serrate; panicles 3-5 cm across; urticles white, ca. 0.3 cm across, inflexed (HARIDASAN & RAO 1985: 843-844). SITUATION: At an inexplicable location somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Rana (N25°12'41": E091°48'11" ±27 m, WGS84), which itself lies at unknown travelling distances not only along the road but also on the road descending from Pynursla (N25°18'30”: E092°54': 1550 m asl) generally south-west to Nongjri (N25°11'30”: E091°47'30”: circa 300 m asl). The effective explorers in search of recreational adventure caving preferred to refrain from noticing the location and setting of the cave entrance to the Krem Wah Synrem and it's spatial relations to the obvious landmarks in the vicinity. Instead, they interpreted their GPS readings to place Krem Wah Synrem »12.5 km WSW of Rana« (note 1) and thus not only in the alluvial plains of Bangladesh but also far from any cave bearing rocks (note 2).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

NOTE 1: Curious: Changing the distance from 12.5 to 2.5 km results -- perhaps by coincidence but possibly due to confusion -- in the GPS position recorded for the 1998 base camp (WGS84 N25°11'27”: E091°47'32”: 300 m asl H D Gebauer 1998.02.21 GPS Garmin 12) at the lower rim of Nongjri village. NOTE 2: Little doubt remains that this blunder illustrates the blue-eyed, if not blind belief in »the accuracy [sic! qua: precision] of GPS and the surveying teams« (Jarratt 2003.02.17 Mss "Cave Log 2003" entry 17/2/03; subscribed by Brooks 2003 Mss: Diary 2003.doc).


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1995.03.13: Brian D. Kharpran Daly recorded the cave name »Krem Wah Synrem.« 1998.02.21: Brian D. Kharpran Daly, Simon J. Brooks, Raphael Warjri, Georg Bäumler (book), Sher Singh, Gurjinder Singh and Refulgent Kharnaior fully visited and entered and exited. Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 04/07/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
1.2WAH SIER, Rana (Krem)
1.2MAWSIAR, Nongjri, East (Cave near)
2.5WAH REN (Krem)
2.8PRIANG, Nongjri - Therria (Krem)
2.9WAH THYLLONG, Nongjri - Therria (Krem)
3.2MAWKANONG, Wah Thyllong (Krem)
3.2KURDROT (Krem)