A noteworthy stream sink and, perhaps, a tunnel cave draining an inlet (insurgence) to an exsurgence, has been noticed on the way »From [new] Nongkulang [note 1], direct to Maokerasi [note 2] … in the bed of the small stream with water, near where the paths to Maokerasi and old Nongkulang [note 3] diverge, the sandstones are seen exposed; the limestone rests horizontally on it, and from this, the path leads down the easy hill side, through a descending series of the limestone to the level of the main stream, in the valley, in which it terminates … At one spot, where the main stream here entered the limestone rocks, for a short distance, the scenery was extraordinary …« (GODWIN AUSTEN 1869b: 16-17).
NOTE 1: »Nongkulang« (GODWIN AUSTEN 1869) or »Nonkalong« (MEDLICOTT 1869a: 9 = 159) and »Nongkyllam« (Kharpran Daly 1997 Mss item no. 3) is the village (in Garo: nong) indicated as »Kelang« (Survey of India Half-Inch series sheet 78-O/SW edition 1917) and as »Kulang 1840« (78-O/04 edition 1912) near (circa ±500 m) N25°14'50”: E091°04'05”: 560.8 m asl (WGS84 modified from N25°14'50”: E091°04'15” Everest 1830).NOTE 2: »Maokerasi« (GODWIN AUSTEN 1869b: 16) or "Mawkerasi" is (or has been) either a populated place or simply a "stone-walled cattle's kral" as the Khasi "u maw" is »a stone« (SINGH, N 1906: 130), the verb "ker" means »to surround, to enclose« (*), "ki 'si" is an abbreviation of either "ka / u masi", »a cow / a bull« or of "u ksi" , »the head vermin« (SINGH, N 1906: 201). * The Khasi "ker-kut" means »to surround completely; to erect a fort or stockade« and "ker-dam" means »to hedge round leaving no opening« (SINGH, N 1906: 24). NOTE 3: GODWIN AUSTEN (1869b) gives a map (unidentified geodetic datum) showing »Old Nongkulang« (N25°17'15": E091°05'15"), a village already deserted in A.D. 1867, at a linear distance of about 5 km or 6 km approximately north-west (north 02'05” or 3870 m + west 01'35” or 2660 m) from »New Nongkulang« (N25°15'10": E091°06'50"). Assuming that »New Nongkulang« (GODWIN AUSTEN 1869b) corresponds to Kulang (WGS84 N25°14'50”: E091°04'05”), »Old Nongkulang« (GODWIN AUSTEN 1869b) would lie near N25°16'55”: E091°02'30” (WGS84) and thus close to where the village of Nongmawkum is shown on Survey of India sheet 78-O/03 (edition 1913).
Caves nearby
Distance (km) | Name | Length (m) | Depth (m) |
0.0 | NONGKULANG SINK 1 (aa -) | ||
0.6 | Mawkhap 1, Upstream (Krem) | ||
0.7 | UMBLEKA (Krem) | ||
0.8 | Mawkhap 2, Downstream (Krem) | ||
1.0 | RONGDANGNIANG (Krem) | ||
1.1 | TB CHIRING | ||
1.6 | UMSYNNAH (Krem) | ||
2.4 | MEOO RONGKOL | ||