Halele (Holqa)

(East Harerghe - ET)
Length 60m Depth 0m
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 04/01/2020

A narrow entrance passage leads to a 30m long well decorated chamber, 8m high and 9m wide. Connections to right and left both lead to a second chamber 4m above. This chamber (6m long, 7m wide and 4.5m high) contains stalactites, cauliflower formations and gour pools and connects via a 4m passage to the final chamber (16m long, 5.5m wide) which is very well decorated with gour pools and flowstone to the left and large formations to the right. It contains a large colony of bats and very deep guano. Oxygen was 19% and Carbon dioxide 1.3 %. Entry to this chamber is not advised.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
2.4Gola (Holqa)20-2
9.0Wachu II (Enkuftu)168-58
9.0Wachu I (Enkuftu)180-141
10.1Beke (Holqa)300
13.7Holqa Chafe41410
13.9Resurgence (Rising)20
14.5Suker 2 (Enkuftu)1616
14.5Suker 3 (Enkuftu)
14.6Suker 1 (Enkuftu)1010