(Khliehriat - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

»On descending the easily free climbable entrance shaft (1.5 by 1.5 by -2 m) two low crawls are met. The larger one enters an elliptical meandering tube (2 by 1.5 m) that after some 23 m enters a chamber (6 by 6 by 2 m) with a 5 m high aven / shaft to the surface (2nd entrance) and possibly accounts for the draught that belies the cave length [note 1]. Two blind pits (-4 m) in the floor of the chamber connect with each other. A walking sized and silt floored passage runs south to terminate in a boulder choke. Other leads from the chamber quickly end in boulder chokes. Minor prospects for further exploration« (Brooks, S J 1999.02.22 Mss). ETYMOLOGY: In 1997 no autochthonous cave name has been identified for this cave which then was christened in honour of U Kalang Pdang, the proprietor of the area, but Spindro Dkhar suggested in 1998 that it might be sensible to consider that this cave is locally known as Krem Umkhlot (note 2). Brooks, Simon J (1999.02.22 Mss) referred to this cave as Krem Umsynrem no. 2 because this cave ought to lie in an unidentified spatial relation »near« an unspecified point on an unidentified (Wah) Umsynrem or Nettle Stream. SITUATION: North-west of Lumshnong (25°10'45”N: 92°22'25”E) in a privately created »Umsynrem area« (Brooks, S J 1999.02.22 Mss) and an estimated 300 m north-west of the cave entrance to the Krem –>Umkwu (±200 m 25°11'15.0”N: 92°22'10.0”E). APPROACH: Expedition cavers had reached in Fenruary 1999 the cave entrance of Krem Umkhlot by walking from a church to the top end of a village where they took a footpath north-north-east and past what was believed to be the doline that contains the upper (northern) cave entrance of Krem poh –>Shnong (Lumshnong). They continued further (5 min) along a track to where a minor path leaved what had been in February 1999 a main path (first left) in a northerly direction. This minor path was followed to limestone pinnacles (small towers) and a relatively low, about 6 m high cliff (Brooks, S J 1999.02.22 Mss). CULTURAL HISTORY -- human use adventure tourism in search of recreational caving: »A local guide will be useful in locating this cave« (Brooks, S J 1999.02.22 Mss).

Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

NOTE 1: This air current did not »belie the cave length« (Brooks, S J 1999.02.22 Mss) but the aeromantic belief, according to which underground air draught gives evidence to extensive cave passages whilst the lack of an underground air current always indicates the absence of noteworthy cave passages. Thinking along these lines, the sight of one single empty glass in a tavern, pub or bar testifies that there are no drinkers anywhere around. NOTE 2: Neither SINGH, N (1906) nor SINGH, N (1920) list "khlot" as such but the Khasi words khlait (verb) to break off; to be dislocated (SINGH, N 1906: 32). khloit (verb) dislocate (SINGH, N 1920: 129) khluit (verb) to burn (SINGH, N 1906: 33) ba khluit (adjective) hot; boiling hot; scorching (SINGH, N 1906: 33) kaba klat (noun) digression (SINGH, N 1920: 123) klat (verb) to turn abruptly to another direction (SINGH, N 1906: 42) klet (verb) to forget; to omit (SINGH, N 1906: 42) ka klit (noun) a sleight of hands (SINGH, N 1906: 43) ba klit (adjective) very quickly (SINGH, N 1906: 43); swift (SINGH, N 1920: 513). NOTE 3: »It savours of impertinence for Europeans to assert their views against the usage of other civilisations« (Longstaff, Tom G in: Swami PRANAVANANDA 1939: The sources of the Brahmaputra …- Geographical Journal ISSN 0016-7398 (London: Royal Geographical Society), vol. 43, no. 2 (February 1939), page 135.


EXPLORATION HISTORY: 1997.02.26: Kalang Pdang from Lumshnong, the proprietor of the area and the cave, hunted down a nice to eat 10 kg porcupine at the cave entrance.1997.03.01: Kalang Pdang guided Brian D. Kharpran Daly, H. D. Gebauer, Raphael Warjri and Kyrmen 'Hope' C Hiwot Passah, to the cave entrance of what was dubbed »Krem Kalang Pdang« . 1999.02.22: Alfred Lanong from Lumshnong guided Simon J. Brooks, Brian Dermot Kharpran Daly and Andrew "Andy" Peter Tyler into what was recorded as »Krem Umsynrem no. 2« (Brooks, Simon J 1999.02.22 Mss), which was visited and entered, surveyed to a degree yielding 68.22 m and eentually mapped Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 03/07/2016

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.3UMSO, Mutang (Krem)
0.3UMSO, Thangskai (Krem)
0.4SKEI, Thangskai, 1st (Synrang)
0.4SKEI, Thangskai, 2nd (Synrang)
0.4DNGIEM, Mutang (Krem)
0.4MUTANG (Cave near)
0.4UMKWU (Krem)