Ere Toquma (Enkuftu)

(East Harerghe - ET)
Grottocenter / carte


GS Vulcains - 27/12/2019

A large open entrance pot which was descended to a ledge about 3m below the entrance level. From there a 25m rope failed to reach the bottom. It was used to lower an oxygen meter which showed good air quality at that level.

Caves nearby

Distance (km)NameLength (m)Depth (m)
0.0Hayu 2 (Enkuftu)45-31
0.1Hayu 1 (Enkuftu)41-38
0.1Hayu 3 (Enkuftu)
0.9Ere Toquma (Holqa)370
11.8Warabessa (Goda)180
12.0Bube (Rift Cave)15-7
12.1Nole (Enkuftu)15-15
12.5Debe (Enkuftu)33-22
18.7Kure III (Enkuftu)17-17