Panamik Springs

(Nubra - IN)
Grottocenter / carte


»About 12 miles [20 km] up the Nubra river two springs are situated at Panamik village. They are sulphurous and have a temperature of [77°C to 78°C, modified from F°]. Travertine is deposited by these springs« (LYDEKKER 1883). 2009: »Panamik (Km 50) is a diffuse low-rise hamlet known for two unexiting hot springs that dribble out of iron-orange rock clefts above the main road« (LONELY PLANET, India 2009: 325). 2005: »Panamik has been famous for centuries for its hot springs and as a stop along the ancient trade route to China. If you come just for the springs, you'll be disappointed. But come for the satisfaction of going as far north as a foreign visitor can go in India and to appreciate the natural beauty of the spot. The hot springs are beieved to cure rheumatism and other ailments. There is a dark, double-chambered hut for bathing, but it's male dominated and none too clean. Look out for discarded razor blades« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005). 1997: »While Panamik may be a long way to come for some hot springs, they are worth visiting if you're in the Nubra valley« (LONELY PLANET, India 1997: 341). Herbert Daniel Gebauer - 09/02/2016


Bibliography 09/02/2016
  • Lonely Planet, India 1997, 2005, 2009; Lonely Planet, North India 2001; Lydekker, Richard 1883.



Herbert Daniel Gebauer (09/02/2016)

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